Those Shorts (NSFW) (M!R)

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Summary: You were wearing leather.
Tight black leather pants with a long sleeved shirt he knew too well, all paired with ankle boots and one of those chokers young people were wearing lately, both also made of leather. If he lifted your shirt, he was sure he could see the outline of your cock clear against the material.
Damn, you just looked so hot in that.
Pairing: Bucky x Male!Reader
Warnings: Masturbation, oral sex, dirty talking, Daddy Dom Bucky Barnes, some leather kink, daddy kink. 

Bucky hissed, taking a deep breath as you walked into the classroom and to the closest chair from his desk.

"Good morning, Mr Barnes," you bend down to put your backpack on the floor, your eyes catching his eyes immediately.

You were wearing leather.

Tight black leather pants with a long sleeved shirt he knew too well, all paired with ankle boots and one of those chokers young people were wearing lately, both also made of leather. If he lifted your shirt, he was sure he could see the outline of your cock clear against the material.

"How many animals you got killed for those clothes, Mister Y/L/N?" he questioned, trying to ignore the blood flowing directly to his own cock.

Damn, you just looked so hot in that.

"It's synthetic," you corrected him, smirking. "But thanks for carrying about the animals."

Bucky chuckled. He knew you well enough to know you would never wear any leather that wasn't synthetic.

He was ready to sass you again but stopped when Wanda Maximoff sat by your side. As far as he knew, you were childhood best friends and you two were always together.

For an hour and a half, he restrained himself from staring at you too much, even though you attracted him like bees to a honeypot. You seemed to be teasing him the whole time, biting and licking your lips and eye-fucking him hard.

When his torture – also known as the class – was over, you and Wanda gathered your stuff and were ready to leave when he cleared his throat.

"Y/N, I need to talk to you about the results of your last test," he said casually. "Can you stay? This is really serious."

Wanda's eyes widened as well as yours. His tone didn't leave space for any protesting. You were in deep trouble.

"I catch up with you later," you muttered as she left, closing the door behind herself, and turned to the man behind you.

"Let's go to my office," he said calmly, holding his laptop bag and guiding you through the corridors.

The teachers' floor was empty and dark, every other professor busy and with their own activities.

"Come on in," he continued, calm.

When you entered the room, he locked the door behind him, making your heart race inside your chest. Silently, Bucky made his way to his chair and sat down in a relaxed position.

"Little boy, what have I told you about those pants?"

You felt your cheeks burning with embarrassment and your Dom stared at you with his face cold.

"You said you loved them, daddy..." you muttered.

"But..." he arched you an eyebrow, crossing his arms.

"But I should only wear them for you," you lowered your eyes this time and he took a long breath.

"Exactly," he spread his legs a bit more and you could see how his cock was clearly hard. "Come here."

You walked slowly to his direction and he didn't rush you, only waiting as you lied on his knees with your ass up.

"No, no, little boy," he caressed your exposed legs. "The pants need to be off."

You felt your cheeks heating in embarrassment again and undressed quickly, making him give you a surprised look. You weren't wearing any underwear, and the moment you opened the pants, your dick sprung free and hard.

"Give me those," he reached out and you gave him the piece of clothing.

He put them aside and bit his lips, looking at your naked legs and erection.

"On my lap. Now." he put them aside and you complied quickly, lying on his lap with your now naked ass up.

Bucky caressed your skin slowly, waiting for your breathing to calm down.

"You know what I'm gonna do, little boy," he continued.

"Yes, daddy," you nodded.

"Where are we?"

"Green, daddy," you confirmed and he licked his lips, giving your ass the first slap.

"Good boy," Bucky groaned. "Such a pretty ass."

He slapped your skin one more time, two more times... At the tenth time, you were a horny mess on his lap, moaning and panting, so hard and throbbing you could bet you had stained his chair – inches under you – with precum.

"I can feel your cock hard, little boy. I bet you want me to play with you, don't you?"

You nodded quickly, squirming on his lap.

"Please, daddy. Please, play with me," you begged.


You complied, standing on wobbly legs before leaning against his desk.

Slowly, he wrapped his hand around you and you moaned, his skilled fingers quickly taking you to a state of deep pleasure. Bucky knew exactly what to do to you in order to bring you to an orgasm in minutes, and after the whole class teasing him, the expectation of the way and the spanking, you were just too close to the edge to resist. When he rubbed your cockhead, you almost lost it.

"Are you gonna cum for me, little boy?" he questioned, using his fingertips to rub the spot. "Gonna cum while daddy jerks you in his office?"

You only moaned, the sound deep from inside your throat. Your shirt was just pushed and to leave him space to touch you and you probably looked like a mess, and if anyone walked close to the door of the office they would hear you, but you couldn't care less.

"Fuck..." he groaned. "Cum for me, baby boy, do it for me."

You reached your orgasm with a long moan, which became louder when he wrapped his fingers around your cock and sucked your cum into his mouth.

When you came down, Bucky pulled you down to sit straddling his lap, and kissed your lips, allowing you to taste yourself.

"Good boy," he whispered, caressing your legs. "Such a good boy."

You moaned softly against his mouth, holding his soft blonde brown in your hands.

"My good boy," he smiled and you did the same, moving your face away to look into his eyes. "Put on your pants, little boys, and make sure the shirt is covering you. We're gonna finish this at my place."

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