Hearts Don't Break Around Here

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Summary: You enjoy some late running away and snuggling night with Bucky.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
WC: 300 words
Warnings: Fluff. Reference to a song.

You closed your eyes as Bucky caressed your neck, his nose rubbing on your skin carefully and caressing your back.

You were in the middle of nowhere, lied down on your truck's back over a fluffy blanket, watching the stars.

"When I was a teen, I always saw movies of people going over roofs and watching the stars or... Pointing at clouds and trying to give them some sort of shapes like a bunny or something," you confessed. "I wanted this kind of thing for me one day."

He only chuckled on you. His whole body was over yours in an almost crushing but bearable way. You just loved the way he felt against you and his body shielded you from anything else. That was how you slept, a tangled mess that shielded each other's body from whatever was near.

"We're in love, aren't we?" you whispered into his ear.

He smiled, moving his hand to your hair, caressing the locks and making little curls with his finger.

You had a history of relationships. You didn't have the best luck – or any luck for saying –, the few ones you had usually ended you with a broken heart.

"I think we do," he whispered.

You took a long breath and moved your hand down to enlace your fingers into his. Back when you two met, Bucky hated his metal arm but you didn't. You just loved it. It was a part of him.

"Can we stay here forever?" he questioned in a whisper. "It's perfect."

You opened a smile.

"Maybe," you sighed. "It's perfect, indeed."

You closed your eyes.

"We can try," you decided.

You stood in silence for a moment and looked down when you noticed how Bucky had fallen asleep in your arms, calmly and steady, so you just stood still. You could stay there for some time for him.

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