The Photoshoot (NSFW)

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Summary: You've been torturing Bucky the whole day during your photo shoot. Now that you're home, it's time for him to pay back.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus Size!Female!Reader
Warnings: Model AU, Smut, Some swearing.

Bucky tried to keep his breath steady while seeing your hand moving to fix your black pencil skirt in the break while the photographer changed his lenses. He should have stayed at home, really. While you'd seen each other on the runaways and the results of shootings, it was the first time he was there to watch you being photographed.

The two of you had met on the job, both modelling for a big brand – you were the head of their plus-size line and he was the head of their male line – you both had hit it off almost instantly.

"Hey," Steve elbowed him on the ribs. "Close your mouth. You're drooling."

He complied but rolled his eyes out of annoyance while his best friend checked the photos they already had.

"Ignore him, Y/N," he smiled to you. "You're doing great. Can you go change your outfit? Wanda is gonna be right back to do your makeup."

You complied, entering your dressing room and open the door just slightly after seeing the dress you were supposed to put on.

"Bucky, can you help me with my zipper?" you gave your boyfriend a sly smile.

"Of course," he stood up, adjusting his pants a bit to hide the half erection he'd been holding the whole day.

He entered the dressing room silently and froze right in his place when he found you with your back to him stripping from your bra and letting out a sigh of relief.

He licked his lip, but that wasn't all that made his cock rapidly grow again. The moment you pushed your skirt down your hips and legs, his eyes widened and your ass came on display; and good God, you were wearing a damn thong.

You glanced behind yourself and smirked, making him blush deeply, but didn't say anything while reaching for the dress and putting it on.

"Bucky?" you called softly, waking him from the trance, and your boyfriend crossed the room to help you in long steps. The moment he stood behind you, pressing his hard erection against your back just as his long fingers slowly pulled your zipper up, you had to take a long breath. "Thank you."

Silently, Bucky lowered his face enough to put it in the crook of your neck, kissing your skin.

"You're welcome."

"Y/N," Jo knocked on the door. "Are you ready?"

He stepped back silently, sitting on the couch and crossing a leg over the other to hide his erection.

"Yes," you sat on the vanity chair, and the moment entered the room with a smile.

"Alright, let's start," she stepped behind you. "We have five minutes."

You could feel eyes on you the whole photo shoot, and Bucky's red cheeks were a dead given that the stares had come from him. You were together for over a year, and you knew the signs on his face very well. His reddening cheeks and slightly gaped lips while staring at you and his blown pupils were clear signs that he was aroused, and now you were about to get home, you were focused on teasing and torturing him the best you could.

You started when Steve left the car to use the bathroom in the gas station. He'd offer to give you and Bucky a ride on his way back home, as your own car had broken down, and your home was pretty close to his studio. Staring right into Bucky's blue eyes through the mirror, you moved your hand up your thigh and he licked his lips almost instantly, confirming it that you were right.

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