Do you want to have an Alpha? (NSFW) (ABO)

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Summary: When you confess to Bucky that you've never been with an Alpha, e offers to show you what it feels like.
Pairing: Alpha!Bucky x Beta!Reader
Word counting: 1.7k words
Warnings: Dirty talking. Shameless smut. PWP. 

You sipped your beer besides Bucky, both of you spread on his couch. You were a sort of hero just like him and was very good friends with him.

Bucky was an Alpha. Actually, most of the Avengers were Alphas or Betas, only Wanda was an Omega, not that it changed much of her status to them. You were a Beta.

"I'm surprised you manage not to kill each other when you're close to your rut." You chuckled to yourself.

"We manage." He chuckled. "You know... when an Alpha needs it, an Alpha needs it but you know that from experience already, especially in sex, I bet. We all understand that and try to help."

You shook your head, the alcohol making your head a bit lighter.

"Well, not from such a personal experience. I mean, with the sex thing."

Bucky frowned, holding your calf before you could move.

"What do you mean?" He questioned. "You've never had sex?"

You rolled your eyes.

"I did." You corrected him. "With Betas and Omegas. I've never had an Alpha."

Bucky was surprised.

"You can't be serious." He sat straight. "Never?"


He stood in silence, his face impossible to describe, and you reached out for another beer. Before you could, though, he held your hip.

"What?" You frowned.

Bucky licked his lips, staring like you like you were a prey.

"Do you want to?" He questioned.

Your breath got caught in your throat, and you stared at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you want to have an Alpha?" He kept looking at you, his blue eyes deep and hungry. "You know... You only live once."

You licked your lips. Of course you had a crush on Bucky. He was the hottest guy you've ever met and that hot arm wasn't helpful. However, you never imagine he would want you.

"Are you sure?" You whispered.

Bucky didn't verbally respond you but pulled you to his lap, your legs around his hips. His strong arms circled your waist.

"Come here, pretty beta." He ran his fingertips over your skin, and you arched your back in response. "You're so sensitive."

He kissed you softly, his stubble creating friction against your delicate skin and you almost melted into a puddle when he moved to kiss your neck.

Your hips moved out of your control and you both moaned when you started grinding against him. Even with both your jeans and underwear on, you could feel how he was much bigger than the men you've been with before.

"I'm gonna take it slow, doll." He whispered, his hands gripping your legs tightly. "Let's take you to the bed, shall we?"

You nodded and he kissed you again, making you wrap your legs around his waist as he walked to his bedroom.

The man dropped you on the bed, and you whined at the loss of his lips when he moved away but used the moment to take your tank top off.

Your skin was already extremely sensitive, craving for his touch. You could already feel the difference between him and the other men you've been with. You've slept with two Omegas in your life, and both of them were very submissive during sex. The Betas, though less submissive, had none of the confidence Bucky exhaled or could mimic the way he touched you. His grip was strong and his kisses had a dominant taste, always numbing any thought you may have of taking control.

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