Ride (M!R) (NSFW)

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Summary: You and Bucky are no strangers to trying new things in the bedroom but there's one position you've never once tried.
Warnings: Smut, dirty talk, male reader. 

Bucky groaned as you lowered yourself on his cock under his watchful eyes.

"Fuck, there you go, babe," he hungrily squeezed your thighs in his hands.

Your sex life with Bucky was amazing. You were no strangers to inventing and testing new dynamics, kinks, positions... Once, he had even edged you for a whole hour before fucking you.

"Look at you," he licked his lips. "Look at how you're swallowing my cock, so tight around me."

You let out a moan when his shaft rubbed against your prostate. For the first time in your long and pleasant sex life, you've never once ridden him, at least until today, which was a surprise.

"Fuck," you groaned as he moved to lick your nipple. "Bucky!"

"Go on, sweetheart," he grabbed your ass with both his large hands, his metal fingers cold on your skin. "Ride me, ride this cock."

You threw your head back in delight, moving your hips against his as he squeezed your waist in his hands.

"So beautiful," he moved his right hand to your nipple, thumb rolling the nub and stimulating you.

"Bucky," you squeezed his shoulders.

"You're gonna cum, babe?" he stared into your eyes, feeling how you were tightening around him. "Gonna cum riding me?"

"Yes," you moaned. "So good..."

He moved his hand to your hard shaft, stroking it just the way you needed.

"Fuck yes!" you moved your hips faster, the double stimulation bringing you closer and closer.

"Cum for me, babe," he pulled you close, and you connected your lips in an open-mouthed sloppy kiss. "Cum around my cock, squeeze me in that sweet ass."

You bit your lip when the orgasm hit you, making you shake and cry out in pleasure, both your abdomens splashed with your spunk, triggering his own peak and clinging to him when you felt the ribbons of his own cum being shot inside you.

When it was over, you two were panting against each other, bodies limp and covered in sweat.

"Wow!" he muttered, kissing your temple. You were still sat on his lap, resting your head on his shoulder.

"Yeah," you whispered on his neck, his cock still pulsing a bit inside you.

"Next time," he licked your earlobe. "I want to watch that ass bouncing on my cock."

Oh yeah... You surely could try that.

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