ch.1 lets start a band

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<edited to fix spelling errors and weird sleepy brain words that don't make sense>

*in sams room with Sébastien talking about your favorite kind of music*

Sam: so, y/n whats your favorite?
Y/n:oh um...I guess pop punk?
Sébastien:not a bad genre, alright.
Abby:hey guys sorry I'm late! So y/n, um I wanted to ask you....

The boys rushed over to Abby and they started fighting. You noticed all of them had boquets in their hands.

Y/n:um guys?
Seb:y/n, we all like you alot. We all agreed to not give you these until everyone was ready but Abby thought she could do this now and thought none of us had it on us.
Sam:we're sorry, y/n this is alot.
Y/n:its fine...but i don't know really how I feel. I haven't thought about it alot. I mean we just fixed the community center and the movie theater than I cleaned up ginger island, i haven't really gotten a break to think
Abby:they're right. I'm sorry y/n here let's make a deal. Whoever can pick a cover song that fits their feeling for y/n with whatever their favorite genre is they get y/ns heart!
Y/n:thats not how love works Abby, but here whoever does the best gets to go on a date with me first, whoever gets second gets the next date and third gets the third. Deal?
Seb:I already know what song in picking.
Sam:that quickly?! Wait seb! Help me pick one!

Abby laughed and skipped away as the boys ran back to sebs place. Guess I'm gonna have 3 dates now.

*an hour later at the pond near marnies ranch*

Shane:who do you hope wins?
Y/n:I mean no matter what ill be going on a date with all 3.
Shane:well I hope it ends well.
Y/n: me too. Anyway, you wanna come with when they do this?
Shane:the whole town is coming?
Y/n:wait what?
Shane:oh yeah whole town, its on the bulletin board. It's next week at 4 pm.

What?! They picked a time and everything?! Shane laughed at my expression.

Shane:you know, no matter what happens im sure they'll be ok. They all care about you and eachother alot.

He patted me on the back and left. It got dark and I went home. Laying in bed at 11pm not wanting to sleep. How didn't I know they all liked me? Even come I lied to shane. I know who I want to win...ive always known....Ugh this is too much.

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