ch.10 and he is forgiven

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Sam was fine after 39 minutes or so, Penny didn't leave his side and he high five me.

Sam:damn that was a good hit!

He was right. It was. The whole group laughed and it was just like before.

Seb:are you gonna wash the blood off your hand now?

Oops. Forgot. I went to Harvey's sink and washed my hands for alittle too long. Sébastien came after me.

Seb:hey, you ok?
Y/n:why....why am I so tired?

I passed out.

*sebs pov*

They fell into my arms. I shut the water off and carried them to a bed. Everyone looked at me and I shrugged confused. Harvey soon joined and looked over their vitals.

Harvey: they are dehydrated and it looks like they haven't rested in a few days.
Shane: but I slept over and they slept?
Harvey:maybe, they could have been pretending to sleep or they could have had nightmares causing the sleep to be worthless.

Shane...did sleep over? Did he stay to make sure they were safe? Lotta good it did them. They look peaceful sleeping now though. I took some of their hair in my hand and twirled it around. They smiled and scooted closer to me.

Abby:I think we should get going. Looks like sebs got this covered.

They all left and it was Sam, Penny, me, and y/n. Sam sat up and apologized.

Seb:im mad but its fine. If they forgave you then thats that. I love them...and I didn't want them hurt. The fact that I thought you cared about them even as a hurts that you'd do that to someone I care about.
Sam:i know. Hopefully with time this can be...better? I don't know
Penny: it is. Now can't you tell?
Seb:Penny its not.
Sam:hes right, Penny i know you're in my corner but I did something wrong. And I should and deserve to be punished for that.

Y/n started waking up. They looked so cute all sleepy and confused.

Y/n:i...oh my head. Hey sebby

They smiled at me and leaned into me.

Harvey:hey, y/n id like you to stay for just an hour to get fully rehydrated. Please.
Y/n:oh I forgot to drink water again...I'm sorry I must've scared you guys haha
Seb:yes. You did.

They looked so apologetic. It was like a little puppy.

Seb:its fine. Come on, ill help you get ready for your date with Abby tomorrow.

Harvey:in an hour.

We both smiled, sam and Penny left and a little later I walked y/n home. Shane waited at the porch.

Shane:just making sure they are ok
Y/n:safe and comfy
Shane:youre a loser. Bye
Y/n:bye chicken man!

He ruffled their hair and smiled as he walked off back home. They really acted like siblings but...nicer? Maru and I hate eachother but they act like a tv sibling. They looked at me as they opened the door. "Hey you know what they say, blood is thicker than water" they smiled and walked in holding the door for me. I knew the saying, the blood of the coven is thicker than the water of the womb. Meaning your chosen family is better than your blood.

Y/n:so fancy or casual?
Seb:let's see both?

I blushed and they laughed at me. But they indulged me anyway. They did a whole fashion show for me and with every outfit I clapped and cheered but then...they came out in a black and purple outfit, it was really fancy with rips in the tights and combat boots that had safety pins on them and spikes. They haven't worn anything like that infront of any of us whole body froze, my heart pounding out my chest and I couldn't speak.

Y/ that um bad?

They got closer. And sat next to me on their bed.

Y/n:should I change?
Seb:wear that for me please.

Thats all I said. I couldn't stop looking at them...all of them. Then they lifted my face to look at their eyes. Their e/c looked like it was glowing and I let my body do what it wanted while my mind stayed frozen. I ran my fingers through their h/c hair and went for their neck. I wanted to kiss their cheek but...I just...

Y/n:seb. Yes but not now.

Wait...yes? I heard the not now part and backed up quickly. But want to be with me? SO WHY THE FUCK DID THEY CHOOSE ME LAST?!

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