ch.8 date 1

132 2 0

*Y/n pov*

I chose sam first. I wanted to save the best for last to be honest. Sam and I agreed to meet at the playground at noon. I walked up there and saw him playing on the swings with Vincent. Kent came from behind me and took sams place.

Same:hey! Sorry mom asked me to hang out with Vincent first. So, you ready for a rad date?

Rad? Oh this was gonna be a funny date. He took me to the the forest where we looked for cool rocks to throw in the river. Then he took me to learn to skate in town Square where I did ok but I kept getting scared so I held onto him. We both laughed when I fell after trying to skate on my own and accidently hitting a pole. It was 6pm and he texted his mom saying he'd be home late.

Sam:ok time to relax.

He took me to the spa where we met at the pool. Both in our bathing suits I couldn't tell if it was the heat or him blushing. As we sat in the water laughing about stupid stuff he got serious for a second. He didn't speak or look at me his smile just went away.

Sam:oh sorry I was uh thinking about the next part of the date and my mind went to dinner hahaha
Y/n:ill order pizza from gus and have him send it to the house
Sam:youre the best!

We walked out and he held my hand, he started dancing with me as we walked back to my place. I saw Sébastien in the corner of my eye heading up to the train tracks. We got back to my place and Shane came by with the pizza and some beers for us.

Y/n:thanks Shane!
Shane:no problem y/n...

He left staring at sam as if he knew something was up. Sam put on a horror movie that was really bad and super funny. I accidently spilled the beer on my shirt.

Y/n:oh fuck I'm gonna get changed real quick. Sorry.
Sam:wait. Let..let me help you.
Y/n:sam I'm not 2 I can put a shirt on.

He softly grabbed my hand and threw me onto the couch we were sitting on.

Sam:i don't really want to help you put another shirt on y/n.

What...the happening

Sam:come on, I know I might not be the person you want night. Just one? Please y/n

He whispered into my ear and started to nibble it. I didn't want him doing this but my body reacted to it. Which just made things worse.

Sam:i know you want it.

He started to take my shirt off while having my hands pinned down.

Y/n:sam no. Sam please stop.

He got up and I had a second to breathe.

Sam:y/n....I'm sorry but I don't want to.
Y/n:well I don't want to fuck you. You know that so why are you trying.

He screamed at me and threw me up against a wall holding my hands against the wall. This time his grip was rough and hurt. Alot.

Sam:...itll feel good. I promise.

He whispered.

Y/n:you have 3 seconds to let me go.
Sam:...I just

He let go and started crying. I wanted to hit him so bad. He didn't deserve sympathy for what he wanted to do. That was a horrible thing to even think about wanting to do...especially to someone you care about.

Y/n:you know you don't deserve my sympathy right now?
Y/n: you aren't forgiven.
Sam:i know.
Y/n:so you and Penny?
Sam:i just...I asked her to come over the other night...we hung out and passed out and when I woke up with her in my arms all I wanted was that forever. Every morning to see her. But the image of you with just a wouldn't leave.
Y/n:so I'm lust and she's love. that was this horrible feeling is?
Y/n:no thats you being a jackass and thinking you have a right to me.
Sam:i am sorry. I regret what I tried to do. I knew it was wrong...and I just didn't want to listen to myself.

I ended up forgiving him. In the end he did listen to me and let me go. My other option was to scream since I knew Shane was still close by. I saw Shane outside the window on the phone and it didn't look like he was leaving anytime soon. Sam left after the movie finished and we hugged. I then waited for Sam to be out of sight before telling Shane to come in.

Y/n:sooo whats up
Shane:I saw him in his room with Penny the other night. I was coming home from the saloon and...I knew something was up.
Y/n:its ok, thanks for staying though I did get...I was scared.
Shane:what did he do?!
Y/n:its ok im safe now and I know it wasn't him thinking straight plus he never really DID anything just some damage to my wrists.

Shane got angry but he ended up staying the night since it got late. I think out of everyone in town he ended up being my best friend. He's like a big brother but better.

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