ch.7 Sébastien

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*Sebs pov*

I'm not going home. I knew that from the beginning. I went to their front door where I struggled with knocking. Then I saw them open the door with their backpack in hand.

Y/n:hey I was gonna do late night fishing. Wanna join?

They smiled brightly at me. Their smile was so comforting. But I looked down at their body and got hot. They looked at me blushing and shut their door and pushed me forward.

Y/n:um..let's go
Seb:sorry...I didn't mean to...I just um
Y/n:its fine im sure id be the exact same way if I saw you fresh out of a shower in just a towel haha

Wait...what? My face hot more red and I didn't want to hold back but I knew better. I wanted so bad to just grab their face and kiss them...I kissed their cheek by accident earlier..the plan was to kiss their lips but I freaked out and missed. But now...I wouldn't miss if I just...

Y/n:come on, I know you haven't smoked in a while. We can go by the lake.

For the first time in a while I didn't really want a cigarette. But I did want to spend time with them. So we stopped by my house where I grabbed my pack and my mom bombarded me.

Robin:honey, where are you going?
Seb:um...y/n wants to go night fishing so they invited me to...and I uh

Mom handed me a condom. She...had them in her little desk in the front room? Thats so weird!

Seb:mom! Its...its not like that...not now
Robin:well youre date is coming never know just...keep it ok?

I stormed out stuffing it in my wallet. They waited outside talking to maru. They looked....perfect in the lighting. I wanted to take a thousand pictures but I took one quickly on my phone. I saved it as my lock screen. Thsy smiled and it made me so happy.

Maru:seb? What are you doing haha
Y/n:did sam text you?
Seb:oh no, Tumblr post made me laugh.
Y/n: oh show me later ok?
Maru:night you too! Don't do anything yoba wouldn't do!
Y/n:haha damn I really wanted to do all the things yoba restricted haha

Maru laughed and shut the door and we walked closely next to one another. We decided to go close the quarry where no one would bother us.

Seb:listen...I just want to know I stand a chance with the other two?

They sat there silently for a minute. I could feel and hear my heart running away. As the minute progressed I felt hopeless.

Y/n:seb....I already made my choice....a long long time ago. I just...don't want to hurt anyone.
Seb:so...are you not gonna tell me?
Y/n:I'm not telling anyone until after the dates. I don't want anyone's date to be ruined. And I want to make them all happy.
Seb:y/n....thats not your job. If you don't want to go on a date with us all you don't have to. You made your choice so...say it. Because otherwise this is a waste of time and its stupid that you are doing this to us!
Y/n:don't yell at me Sébastien.

They name. They always calls me by seb or sebby....whyd they...

Y/n:how would Abby feel if I told her it wasn't her? Huh? She'd feel defeated and beg for a shot. 1 chance. So thats what this is. I made sure what my feelings were before we did any of this because I didn't want to be unsure and hurt anyone worse. So Sébastien. Don't. Ever. Yell. At. Me. With no reason.

They...they were crying? I made them cry. I didn't think I raised my voice that much...oh man I'm such a jerk. I should just leave.

Seb:I'm sorry. Ill go.

They grabbed my arm and forced me to sit down. It was 4am before they finally let go of me and we went home.

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