ch.6 sam

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*Sams pov*

After that...them...soaking no no Abby goes home and gets locked up like a wearwolf. I can trust seb. I can't stop thinking about Penny. She...encouraged me to buy the flowers for y/n they knew and yet they still...I'm an idiot.

Abby:no don't!
Seb:hey Pierre, your daughter can't leave this house for until tomorrow when we come get her. Please we are begging you to keep her here.
Pierre:what did she do?
Sam:tried to be...with y/n
Pierre:shes and adult and so are they.
Seb:here's 100g please just do it.

I said it under my breathe but I whispered "greedy shit" and left. He doesn't care about his family...only money. She cussed us out and hit her door with her sword. Sébastien and I left and looked at eachother. I couldn't stop between thoughts of naked y/n and...Penny.

Seb:youre confused?
Seb:go on the date with y/n. But be honest with yourself. Penny has loved you since the day the school burnt down. You helped her get everything cleaned and helped find a new way to teach the kids of the town. Its not a shower. I MEAN SHOCKER sorry...they just...
Sam:trust me I know. I think ill get some sleep. Night seb.

Why...why couldn't anyone tell me before? Why did it have to happen like this? With them...and her....oh yoba help me. I walked home seeing my mom outside. With my dad, they were arguing so I snuck in my room through the window. My phone dinged a few times as I laid in bed.

Penny- hey...thanks for taking me home.
Oh also for sleeping on you.
Especially if I druled

Sam- you didn't drul, that i know of haha..Penny can I see you?

She didn't respond for a few minutes.

Penny-um sure?
Sam-come through my window, its open.

A few minutes pass and she sat on my window scared to get down. I grabbed her by the waist and set her down. We talked about stupid stuff all night and both passed out on my bed. Cuddling...she smelt like vanilla and sunshine

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