ch.9 the inbetween

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*Shanes pov*

It was 6am, y/n woke up and tended to their farm. I slowly got up from the couch and hugged and waved goodbye to y/n. I saw Sébastien from the porch coming down as I said goodbye to them. I love y/n but as like a sister. They are a great person and I wish they didn't have to deal with this. I know they just want to be with Sébastien but I also know how heart broken all of them would be if they didn't get a chance it would end up ruining their friendship one way or another.

*Sebs pov*

What the fuck why is he leaving her house this early in the morning? AND HE HUGGED HER WTF. I know I got last place...I don't know how or why but I know for certain Shane wasn't part of this whole thing.

Seb:hey y/n! Why was Shane here?
Y/n:hey sebby! He was comforting after the date with Sam.

Oh yeah...Sam texted me telling me he screwed up the date badly. He was afraid he ruined their friendship too. He didn't tell me how though.

Seb:oh yeah sam didn't tell me what happened.
Y/'d kill him.
Seb:..y/n what happened.

I was absolutely fuming. What did he do to them!

Y/n:he tried to...he wanted to

They showed me their wrists so they wouldn't have to talk anymore. And I have never been so angry. I ran off and y/n chased me yelling that it was fine and forgiven. Abby was at his door about to knock when we came.

Abby:h..hey guys.

I could hear him shut his bedroom door and lock it. He's not getting away from me. I opened his window and climbed in ready to kill him.

Abby:umm what did he do?

They showed Abby their wrists. And she jumped through the window too.

Jodi:hey sweetie whats happening?
Y/n:hi jodi! Um can I come in, and can you unlock sams door. The other are about to murder your son.

Jodi let y/n in and they stood between us and him.

Y/n:sebby. Down. Abby. You too.
Sam:please I apologized I said I was sorry I want to make it better please
Seb:sam. You. Are dead.

Sam ran and I chased him into cindersnap forest where Penny waited with a picnic for Sam.

Penny:SAMMY! hey! Oh...hey Sébastien hurt her then moved on? Sam....
Sam:i didn't want to do it and I fucked up! Ok I know I did....I don't want them. I know that but it was weird and my head couldn't think straight. I was drinking....
Seb:sam. You will make this up. And I will not forgive you until then.

I left. I was still angry. I grabbed Abby and y/n from sams house and we all went to ginger island to cool off.

*Abbys pov*

They were so upset. They just wanted everything to go back to the way they were...before. Sébastien came in and took both out hands and held them like a big brother taking us away from a scary place. We ended up going to ginger island for the day and seb made sure both of us had has much fun as possible. It was 8pm when we got home and y/n and I chose tomorrow at 7 pm for our date. I couldn't wait but at yeah same time I just wanted to hug then tight and tell them we didn't have to. But...I'm selfish.

*sams pov*

Oh yoba what am I supposed to do. I told Penny what happened and she hugged me tightly.

Penny: im...I'm sorry Sébastien didn't want to listen
Sam:no its my fault. I fucked up. What I did was really wrong and I didn't care at the time...I'm glad nothing happened but...I deserve the punishment he gives me. I actually want it. Y/n just scolded me...I want to be beat up or something I feel like garbage.

Shane came up to us.

Shane:I can accomplish that for you.
Sam:excuse me?
Shane:I know what happened. I spent the night making them feel better after. They counted down because they knew I'd come in if they screamed. So I'd happily beat the fuck outta you.

He cracked his knuckles. I gulped in fear but I knew it'd make me feel better.

Sam:do it.

He did. Really hard. My nose was bleeding. But I didn't feel better...I think

Sam:y/n is the one who has to hit me.
Shane:I agree but that was a fun punch either way. Anyway if want some tissues I've got some inside.

Hes really protective if y/n...Penny hugged me and helped me with my nose bleed.

*Y/n pov*

We got home from ginger island. Seb looked alot happier and so did Abby. They both kissed my wrists as the dropped me off. I opened my door and Shane was inside.

Y/n: well hello there
Shane:go punch Sam.
Shane:I did it felt great. Do it. He won't feel like you've forgiven him until you do.

I texted seb and Abby to meet me at sams. They ran there. Shane stood behind me as I asked Jodi if we could come in. Penny was in sams bed playing with his hair.

Y/n:I'm punching sam in the face. After I do this everyone forgives him for for what happened. Deal?
Seb:can I punch him too?
Y/n:no Shane already punch him and now I get to. Thats it. No more hurting Sam.
Y/n:you guys are all friends. What he did was wrong but he knew that and acknowledged it. So now, we will all be ok?
Abby:...they are right.
Seb:ok, but ill still be a little angry. Time will have to heal my anger.
Shane:wow thats uh poetic
Y/n:Penny, could you move?
Sam:please let them hit me. I need it.

I punch him...he blacked out. We had to take him to Harvey's.

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