ch.4 after party?

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*abbys pov*

Thats sly fucker. He kissed them! And from the way they looked after that...we all should know its Sébastien they'll choose. I still leant to least try with a date. This was a great choice, now even though I definitely lost i still get a date out of it.

*shane texts y/n*

Abby:hey, why are you smiling so hard?
Y/ promise no one will get mad?
Sam/abby/seb: promise
Y/n:we had a bet on what songs everyone would sing, Shane and I won because of sebs. Hahha it gained us both 1000g each haha
Sam:haha so it was predictable haha
Abby:wait...when did you guys do this?
Y/n:a few nights ago at the saloon, almost the whole town was in on it. Lewis came last minute during the concert. But yeah everyone told me what songs they'd choose and then we started a bet.
Seb:wait what songs they'd choose?
Y/n:uh yeah like if they were in your guyss situation


Y/n:it was funny, we talked about how it was everyone's generic loves songs they'd pick for anyone who made them feel

It got awkward and silent. I got angry thinking about sebs kiss. I wanted to kiss them. Even if it was just on the cheek.

Sam:so... after party?
Seb:what do you for an after party?
Abby:let's invite everyone that bet except Lewis!
Y/n:that could be fun, yeah sure I'll text them.

We waited about 30 minutes and to my surprise it was all the single people in town. Penny looked strongly upset as did maru for some reason though.

*Sams pov*

I had the brilliant and stupid idea to have everyone sing the song they chose that night for y/n through karaoke. We set up a makeshift set up. Y/n laughed at the thought but everyone seemed down. Y/n was so cute setting the computer up with Shane. They got all the songs in order.

Seb:does this mean...they all like them too?
Penny:no. I like someone else. I mean they are cool and fun to hang out with but...the song i chose wasn't really about them.
Elliot:yes, in all honesty I think we all just chose love songs that portray to how we feel about love.
Maru:yeah, and if we did feel this way for y/n I think it would be a different situation all together. We probably would have hesitated telling them what song we'd choose.

Their right. The song i chose was the perfect song to me because it was about music and love. The song from seb was about addiction and love. And from Abby was about having to be away...she's never really had good luck in love. Mainly the communication part. Still. Id like to see what the chose.

*y/n POV*


Hayley ran to the porch where we set it up like a stage. We set chairs outside since it was a nice night and we set up a bonfire. Shane was recording in the back to make sure we all could laugh in years to come.

Hayley sang Always by blink 182 which made Alex blush...hard.

Y/n:okie dokie up next is...oh yes, SHANE! LETS GO!

Shane blushed and was upset he was the second. He sang I'm yours by Jason maraz. His voice surprised everyone. It was a little shaky but still pretty good. Elliot came up next and to no ones surprise he sounded really bad. He sang do you remember by Jack Johnson...I say sang...he spoke to the beat. It was uncomfortable. Leah clapped for him though. And we did the same just a little more...pitiful. he didn't seem to notice or care.

Harvey:oh I'm next...ok

He sang quietly, the song was sunshine by matt Costa. Maru blushed as he and her made eye contact. That's when I realized maru wasn't part of the bet. She didn't have a song to sing. I went to seb and asked if he knew what song she'd pick and he nodded and whispered to me "I will wait by Mumford and sons" I smiled way too big. Suddnely I realized we were really close. that all you..

His eyes lite up in the bonfire light. Then haevy finished and the next person was up.


Everyone laughed and he blushed in anger, Hayley giggled and blushed as well. He sand the song use somebody by king of Leon. It was cute, they never broke eye contact. Leah came up without any announcement and sang her song, you and I by Ingrid Michalson. She shyly looked toward Elliot every occasion, he had his eyes shut enjoying her voice.

Shane:Penny! Youre up!

I forgot I was supposed to announce people, I was getting marus song ready for after Penny. She awkwardly came up the porch where same cheered for her. Thats when I realized what was going on. She had a huge crush on sam! How cute. She sang oh hey by the lumineers and Sam cheered her on the whole time. Everyone joined in soon cheering for her and she gained confidence, at the end she sat next to Sam cuddling him for warmth.

maru:what? I didn't pick a song. I wasn't part of this.
Y/n:I don't care. Your loving brother picked one that he thought you would like.

Maru came up reluctantly. She stared at Harvey every few seconds singing the song I will wait for you by Mumford and sons. She smiled at the end and said it was the perfect song. And last but not least, Emily sang her song. Fall into place by the apartment.

Emily was the only one who didn't sing to or for anyone except her self. It was fun to watch. Shane did the same but he did it more angrily.

The night progressed and it was 1am.

Sam:hey Penny is asleep, ill take her home.

A group of people agreed it was late and headed home. All that was left was Abby and me.

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