ch. 5 abby

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*Abbys pov*

Fuck. Ok im alone with them. I can do this. We haven't been alone since we all told them we all liked them but I can do this.

Abby:can...can I come in?
Y/n:oh uh yeah! Just so you know I'm really tired and was gonna take a shower.

What would one of the others say? Seb would get blushed and say if they are ok then he's ok. And Sam would ignore them and go inside. Ughhhh I'm not them I'm me. I'm amazing and I can do this!

Abby:I mean i could join you?


Y/n:haha thanks for the offer but I like showers to be lonely.

We walked inside and I grabbed a drink from inside. They went and took a shower. A few minutes later Sam and seb showed up.

Sam: where are they?
Seb: why are you still here?
Abby:me? What about you guys?!
Sam:we came back cause they never told us who got the first date.
Seb:yeah, and we weren't gonna stay for long just until they chose.
Abby:ill tell you guys ok? Please let me have this tonight?
Sam:Abby what's wrong with you? You wouldn't let any of us be alone with them and now you are begging for it?
Abby:because its not fair. Sam you are charming and fun to be around. Sébastien you are broody and adorable. I'm just...a girl. A goth weird girl. They might not even....ughh
Sam:abs. I know youre afraid but we all three know they made their choice before we told them anything. And we all agreed to be ok with that choice.
Seb:yeah for all we know it is you. They always hung around you before we started this.
Sam:well to be fair we all kinda had our own things with them. They would go to the forest with me and throw stuff at the bushes...then Penny would come and...oh my god.
Seb:you just realized Penny likes you didn't you?
Seb:for about 6 years.

Why wont they leave! Oh no i hear them getting out if the shower.

Y/n:hey I hope its ok I forgot to grab my clo....oh hey guys.

They were just wearing a towel and soaking wet. Oh yoba no.

Sam:Abby youre not staying.
Seb:yeah youre coming with us.

Neither of them broke eyecontact with their body.

Y/n:ummm...ok bye.

No please I just...want...them.

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