ch.2 songs from our hearts

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*sams POV*

What am I supposed to do?! Seb showed me the song he picked and we all agreed no one would pick the same artist since that makes it more challenging, but this is already so hard! Either way whatever song I pick y/n won't like it...I'll end up coming in last I know it. But either way...I'll still get a date so maybe I should focus on making it the best date instead of the perfect song. THATS IT! I have to find Shane, he knows y/n best.

*he runs to the saloon where Shane is drinking and laughing with y/n*

Shane:oh hey saaaaammmm
Sam:no time let's go!
Y/n:oh ok bye guys!

I pulled him out and took him to the old abandoned house where a little mouse sells hats. We sat and starred at the water as I asked him what I should do.

Shane:sam, y/n isn't a very picky or demanding person. Whatever you do will be fun for them. And if they don't choose you it won't be because of a date or a song. I'm pretty sure they already know who they like but they just didn't want to hurt anyone in the group.
Sam:oh...youre right thats definitely them. They are too nice. I think I know what im gonna do. Thanks Shane, here for your help.

I gave him a pizza coupon for the saloon. He smiled like Vincent when I give him snails. I went home and played the radio, and as the announcer made some bad puns they play a song...the perfect song for y/n.

*Sébastiens POV*

I picked the best song. Y/n is definitely gonna love it. I can't wait. The artist themself isn't the best but the music is good. Now I have to be ready to...sing. oh fuck I didn't think this through. Abby knows I don't like singing. I wonder what song she picked.

Sam:seb please! If you don't help me ill come in last!
Seb:so what? And either way wouldn't it be nice to have them all to yourself.
Abby:hey boys. Have you figured out the songs that'll make you loose?
Seb:no but I know what they will love.
Abby:help me.
Seb/sam: WHAT
abby: I didn't think this through! I have no idea any song that they would even remotely like!
Seb:sucks. Get out.

They both left and I laid on my bed thinking about how I'm gonna sing this.

Maru:sooo...want help?
Seb:was i talking out loud?
Maru:no but I over heard them and I knew you were gonna have a anxiety attack once on stage.
Seb:....please help me.

*Abbys pov*

FUCK! What am I supposed to do?! They are so...ughhh and neither of those jerks will help. I guess I'll just go through YouTube. I'm sure I'll find something.

Its been 4 hours. I found 1 song but its not that good...ughhhh this is so hard! I can hear my mom at my door. She's being so nosy!

Caroline:hey sweetie, whats up?
Abby:....I'm trying to pick a song to sing to y/n.
Caroline:what kind of music?
Abby:pop punk. And seb already claimed a band. So I can't pick anything from panic at the disco.

*Abbys phone dings*

Abby:and apparently gym class hero is off the table too. have to be pop punk?
Abby:well I guess it can be anything you'd hear on the radio.
Caroline:then what about that older song you used to love, what was the band? Um a day to remember?! thats perfect! Yes thank you mom thank you so much!

*Y/n POV*

shane:hey! Sorry, Sam needed help with your song haha
Y/n:shane...what song would you pick if you had the same feelings they have?
Shane:I'm yours by Jason maraz.
Y/n:that was a quick song choice haha
Shane:well its a nice song and its kinda perfect
Y/n:yeah it is, also a little cliche
Shane:you think?
Y/n:well I did have a kid in elementary school who I had the biggest crush on tell me it was our song on the school bus. Then he broke up with me once we got off the bus. It was a 20 minute relationship.
Shane:hahaha you're a little cliche
Y/n:thats just mean haha

We ended up eating a pizza that Shane got and talking more, soon Leah and Elliot joined.

Leah:i think I'd pick you and I by Ingrid Michalson
Elliot: I think I'd choose do you remember by Jack Johnson
Shane:I've never heard of the one Leah said.
Y/n:those are both cute songs
Shane:so those aren't cliche?!
Y/n:well Elliots is but I didn't want to hurt his feelings haha
Elliot:cliche is just another word for classic

Shane and I looked at eachother mockingly. Then Emily and Harvey came to join in our little party.

Emily:what's up?
Elliot:we are deciding what songs we'd choose for y/n if we were in the same position as the trio.
Harvey:sunshine by matt Costa.
Emily:oh wow, can we pick same songs?
Y/n:no, rule was no same artist
Emily:fall into place by the apartment
Shane:oh thats a good choice!

Penny came in looking for her mom, but Leah called her over.

Penny:hey guys I just came for my mom.
Leah:if you had the same feelings that the trio have for y/n what song would you sing for them?
Penny:oh um....ho hey by the lumineers
Y/n:wow you all already know your songs I wouldn't know what to choose if I was in this situation.
Elliot:so whats your favorite from our choices?
Y/n: thats the problem I like all of those songs. They are all good love songs. I don't really have favorite songs....

Alex and Hayley then came stumbling in laughing, Shane called them over.

Alex:huh a song for y/n....I'm not sure i guess use somebody by king of Leon
Hayley: real people do by hoizer
Y/n:isnt...that song about abuse?
Hayley:is it?
Shane:I mean it sounds like it's about muder honestly.
Hayley:oh I just think the beat is pretty, ok um always by blink 182!

We all laugh and talk about the songs we think the trio will pick. No one could guess for Sébastien.

Y/n:50g says he pick nicotine by panic at the disco.
Shane:I'll take the bet!
Elliot:me too! I bet he chooses the one Hayley said.
Leah:oh yeah no I bet 500g he chooses Hayleys!
Hayley:yeah its definitely one Sébastien would do!
Y/n:you guys know they have to sing these songs infrong of me right?

I was blushing really hard at the thought of seb singing that song to me. The lyrics are...not really something he'd say infront of anyone else.

Hayley:maybe he's ready to win! Haha

The total bet was Elliot, Leah, and Hayley thought he'd pick always. Penny and Harvey thought he'd pick something by Mumford and sons (i don't think they know any pop punk bands). And Shane agrees with me so if we win well be splitting the total of 1000g.

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