ch.11 date 2

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*Y/n pov*

Sebs breathe on my neck took me out of my own body. I wanted it but I knew once we started anything I wouldn't be focused for abbys date tomorrow. I wanted seb. I knew that from the start but needed to go through with what I promised. I asked seb if he wanted to stay the night and he told me he wouldn't be able to get through the night being that close to me and not touching me right now. I wanted a hug but I knew better.

I watched him walk home and I laid in bed, I took off the outfit I showed him and thought about the words he said...only wear that for me...please it made me shiver in the good way. I fell asleep to inappropriate thoughts of Sébastien. When I woke up seb was at my door with Abby.

Abby:hey um... can I talk to you?
Y/n:of course! Come on in, let me put on real clothes.

I was just wearing a big shirt and nothing else. I didn't think anyone would want to come in when I answered. I saw seb blush when I looked at him and smiled.

*Abbys pov*

Ok...I just have to tell them. The feelings are won't hurt them or me. I mean they are gone. I love them as a friend as a feelings because the same as shanes feeling to them. Itll be fine. I know it. And sebs here so if it does hurt them he will be here for them....

*Sebs pov*

They...I saw...oh yoba. They aren't wearing anything under the shirt...I don't think Abby noticed...but I um can't stop my stupid body.

I sat on their bed trying to hide it. I don't want them to know not now. Especially with Abby here oh yoba help me.

Abby:youre acting weird, are you ok?
Seb:yeah..I have to pee.
Abby:cool, I think they'll be out in a second so you can just ask to us the bathroom.

They came out in a plain white t and black jeans.

Y/n:you ok seb?
Seb:can I use your bathroom?

Ok. I didn't materbate in their bathroom. That's weird. I just waited till I could calm down a bit and washed my hands and left. Abby had already told y/n what was happening and they hugged both smiling and happy. It was great to see them like that. yoba Abby is leaving wait no why is she winking at me!

Abby:well, im gonna hang out with Shane today. We both found out we have some stuff in common. Have fun you two!
Y/n:haha thanks, well probably just go on our first date.

They turned around and smiled at me so cutesy. I smiled and nodded my head as Abby shut the door. Thats when the smile turned from cute to...something else. They started biting their lip.

Y/n:you planned for something?
Seb:hahaha no. But um that look youre giving me...I um I don't think i am safe right now?
Y/n: what look?

Teasing me? Really?! Ughhh I know what to do, I just need to call my mom.

Seb:ok I need to call my mom really quick and then we can go on the date. Ok?
Y/n:ok! Um ill get ready then

They aren't? They look perfect to me...

*Y/n pov*

I didn't realize I was looking at him weird...oh yoba I really thought my face looked normal! I can't stop thinking about the dreams...I still wasn't awake all the way so this is messing with me a little. He went outside and called him mom while I put on the outfit from the other day. I wanted to dress up special for him...

He came back in hanging up the phone and staring at me as I put my shoes on.

Seb:ok so we just have to wait about 39 minutes and everything will be....oh my yoba.
Y/n: um...I wanted to..I wanted to look special for you
Seb:please get changed.
Seb:im sorry I just...this sounds so stupid but I really want you to wear that for tonight. If thats ok?

Tonight? Wait what is happening tonight? I started changing infront of him without thinking, im still so tired. He turned away quickly but I could see his ear was red.

*sebs pov*

Please....stop doing this to me. My dick is already tucked so I don't have a fuckin boner in front of you. Maybe its too earlier. Maybe they didn't get enough sleep? Oh yoba they've been exhausted for days and this isn't helping.

Seb:do you need more sleep or something?
Y/n:um no....but can you help me take this off. Its...stuck

No no I can't cause if I do whole body was shaking and I was so hard it hurt.

Y/n:nevermind I got it.

A few minutes later they finished changing and I turned around. My face was like a strawberry. I wanted to hide in cold water for days. They wore shorts and an old faded band t-shirt. They looked adorable.

Y/n:its warm today are you sure you wanna keep your hoodie on?

Its not coming off we...yoba I want to drown.

Seb:ok let's go, we are going for a drive.

I took them on my motorcycle and we went to the top of the summit where you could see zuzu city.

Seb:its...nicer at night
Y/n:let's come back at night then.

They smiled at me, this drive took 20 minutes so I knew it would be a bad this did waste some time so everything should be ready by the time we get back.

*time skip 1 hour later at the lake on the little farthest island*

Seb: So do you like it?
Y/n:this is such a cute picnic! Did your mom do all this?
Seb:gus cooked but yeah. Mom did the set up for me...whats this.

She put a fuckin condom under the blanket. Mom...why.

Y/n:what is it?
Seb:grass felt weird sorry haha

Not telling them. They'll laugh and tease me...maybe..they aren't teasing anymore? What if...they are asking?

Y/n:so whats next?
Seb:right um let's go!

I took the hand gently and we went to ginger island where the two of us made sand snowmen. We taught Leo how go do it and he loved it. It was 6pm and I took them home.

Seb:get changed...please
Y/n:time for the cute outfit?

I couldn't look at them my eyes stayed on the floor. I called my mom when they went inside.

Robin:ok whats next?
Seb:their farm. I'm taking them to my secret place and I want their front of the farm decorated like the concert. Please. And can maru set up the music?
Maru:uh yeah, but are you sure you want my help?
Seb:please, youre a really big help to me.
Robin:on it. I'll get gus to make something too.

I hung up and they were ready. I left my motorcycle out here so we could leave quickly. It seemed like they had the perfect place for it in the corner of their farm with some stone on it.


They climbed on and held me tight. I could feel butterflies in my stomach.

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