ch.12 🍋 🍋 🍋

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*Y/n pov*

We got to the summit and he was right, it looked sad but beautiful...I just wanted to stay there all night with him in the quiet. We talked a bit and he looked me in the eyes. He grabbed my face soflty and kissed my lips. I could feel my heart jump out and my stomach butterflies fly into my head.

Then reality hit me and sebs phone went off. He groaned and we stopped but he held my waist as he checked his phone. He then smiled excited.

Seb:comeone, last part and then the date can be over.
Y/n:you sound excited about that haha

I said as my heart winced. Why was he so happy it was almost over...did he loose feelings for me?

Seb:wait no, I meant...I didn't mean it like that. I'm just excited this was the part I planned and really wanted to do it all day but I had to wait.

He kissed my cheek and held his hand out to me to get on. I was excited to see what made me so happy still hurt. A few minutes later we got home and I saw my farm covered in pretty lanterns and speakers playing soft music.

*sebs pov*

Ok here we go, they all left and it was just us now. I loved how they looked in the lights, I took a photo of them and set it as my new home screen. They turned around.

Y/n: sebby?
Seb:dance with me?

Elivs presleys can't help falling in love played for us as we danced around the little area my mom and sister set up.


I looked at them and smiled.

Y/n:you know it was always you. When sam told me about you I immediately fell in love and when we spoke I knew I didn't want anyone else. Ive bought those bouquets from Pierre's a million times and letting them die cause I was too...I didn't think you liked me. So when I saw all of you with them...I wanted to ignore the others and say yes to you and only focus on you...but I saw how they all..
Seb:its just us. You. And me. Ok? I love you y/n

We smiled and went back to the cuddle dancing we were doing. It started raining. And I hear maru yell "shit" from the darkness.

Seb:ok well maybe not.
Robin:sorry honey. Comeone maru let's get the electronics outta here.
Y/n:you can put them in the green house or that little cave over there.
Seb:do the cave.

We continued our dance in the cave and mom and maru left. For real this time. My hands started to roam lower. I found myself undoing y/ns clothes. And I felt them slowly unbuttoning my pants.

Seb:wait. Do you want to fuck in the cave or in your house?
Y/n:does it matter? We are both horny and I can already feel you.

Their hand was grabbing my cock just over my boxers. I didn't want to fuck in a cave. I wanted to be in their house where no one can just walk in. They saw my expression and got the hint. We ran through the rain with our clothes rapidly put on. Once we got to the door they locked it and we laughed.

Seb:can I?

I grabbed the back of their neck and slowly kissed and bit moaning as I went lower. They smiled and asked so softly if they can have a turn. I stopped kissing and they moved me to the bed where they started kissing my neck and leaving marks. The moved down to my collar bone and left a huge mark there. They whispered "I just like bones haha" I looked at them confused until I felt their mouth sucking on my dick.

They were so quick with my pants button and they wasted no time with the clothes, they left my pants and underwear on just wanting to taste me...and I wanted the same. So bad I wanted to....

Seb:y/n ill come if you aren't careful.

They started wiggling at my pants and playing with themselves causing them to moan. Their moan was like music to my ears. Then they did it...I was already on the brink and they moaned my name.

Y/n:se..Sébastien! You taste sooo

I grabbed their hair and shoved my cock all the way in coming into their mouth.

Seb:fu....fuck y/n I'm so sorry ugh

*Y/n pov*

He shoved it all the way in. The whole thing. It went all the way to the back of my throat. He came and it tasted like strawberries. He moaned my name and I felt my body shake. I came on my hand. i looked up a little shamefully as I wanted him to physically make me cum. He just smiled and took my hand. He ate my cum off my hand.

Seb:don't worry, you can cum on me later. Or just let me take your cum.

He smiled mischievously. I pulled his pants off and felt something weird in his pocket. I pulled it out to find a condom.

*Sebs pov*
I..thank you mom.

Seb:wanna let me put that on?

They are so fuckin hot. As I put the condom on and strip they get their clothes completely off as well. I'm glad, putting a condom on is weird when someone's watching you, its just so uncomfortable.

Y/n:don't loose your nerve now.
Seb:bend over.

I said in a stern voice. They smiled and took the order. I wanted them to order me next. I wanted it so bad I didn't know why. But I also loved being the top.

*2 hours later*

Y/n:so...youre a switch?
Y/n:you like being top and bottom.

Fuck is that what its called? Why do they know more than me....they are from the city. Oh yoba i can't stop thinking of every position they had me do. Everything felt so good. We ended up finding a box of condoms under the bed with a post it note from my mom that y/n didn't let me read.


Their tone went soft and they were looking at me getting closer for cuddles. I wrapped my arm around them holding them in. They had the ac on and a ceiling fan so we would be able to cuddle after.

Y/n:I'm really happy it was you.
Seb:what do you mean?
Y/n:youre my first seb?

HOW AM I ok ok calm down.

Seb:youre mine too.

I kissed their head and they kissed mine...well my lower head. They sucked on my dick again starting the cycle of another hour long fucking. We kept bringing eachother to the edge and not letting either one cum. Until we both were begging.

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