ch.3 the concert

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Everyone piled onto the bus and Pam started a cheer for everyone to get pumped up. Seb sat next to me and kept playing with his fingers.

Y/n:seb? You ok? matter what happens you'll still be going on a date with all of us...
Y/n:well yeah.
Seb:so why are we doing this. Shouldn't the date matter more than the song?
Seb:I mean even if I come in last the date will be all that
Seb:...haha my mom calls me that
Y/n:I know, its cute. And yeah the date matters but honestly....i...I already made a choice.

Shane came to the seat.

Shane:hey seb. You gotta sit back there, the other two are getting upset.
Seb:bu...but wait
Y/n:its ok seb, its only fair.
Shane:sorry buddy.

Seb went and sat grumpy in his seat with Sam. Abby looked happy with what happened. Shane and I laughed about dumb jokes all the way there and soon enough we were getting off the bus. Pam Highfived everyone off the bus and we all laughed. Sam was obviously nervous looking around for reassurance which he got from Penny. Abby ran around excited talking to maru about the song choice she picked.

Shane:you gonna go comfort your boy toy?
Y/n:shane, he's not my boy toy. Thats such an old man thing to say!
Shane:I know you want to pick him.

I walked off pretending I didn't hear him. Everyone was being loud so I took seb closer to the stage where I helped set stuff up.

Y/n:so you playing guitar or keyboard?
Seb:um...a mix? I'm playing keyboard for Abby and Sam but...I have something special for our song.
Y/n:our song?

You smile teasing him. a way isn't it? These are all songs all of us think of when we think of you and each of us together. Right?

Hes right. In a way this is...our song. Sam and abs came up on stage greeting us, but staring seb down with a little anger. They all hugged though and smiled even though they were all technically fighting.

Shane:hey let's get this started!

The whole crowd including some people from zuzu came and cheered for the group to start. Abby was first up.

Abby:this song, as well as the other 2 covers we will be singing are for the one person none of us could give up on. Y/n...I hope you like it.

She sang the song if it means alot to you by a day to remember. It made me smile as I do enjoy that song alot. It was cute. Next was Sam, he sang and even rapped the song stereo hearts by gym class hero. It was extremely entertaining the whole crowd cheered when he started to rap. Last was Sébastien. The group of us got together before he started and got any last minute bets on the table. Lewis ended up betting 1000g that he'd sing an Elvis presley song.

Seb:um...this is the last cover song and then we will sing a song we all wrote that surprisingly isn't about the person we are fighting over. Um...ok here we go.

He blushed so hard and stuttered. Then he played his keyboard to the start of nicotine. Shane and I fist bumped and everyone started slyly handing us money as we laughed. Seb looked up at me from the first few lines of him singing, he sounded terrified and his face started to get red. Sam stood in front of him and started singing with him, giving him the courage he needed. Then suddenly he brought out a purple matte guitar with shiny white knobes. He sang the chorus extremely well, better than the actual panic at the disco.

At the last line Sébastien jumped off stage and came up to me, kissing me on the cheek after he finished singing. My face flushed red and the whole crowd screamed cheering for him. The other two also cheered for him knowing that he just did the most embarrassing and scary thing he could possibly do.

They sang their last song but my eyes never left Sébastien. He smiled everytime he looked up and saw me just staring at only him. Him and Sam seemed to be having fun on stage as well as Abby but she couldn't move around like the guys could. It was 10pm when we all got home and the trio came over to my place after.

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