Chapter 24~The disappearing Kook

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I'm sitting on a rocking chair in Kooks room sipping some tea. I haven't been able to sleep all night. Kook hasn't been up since the dropped that L-bomb on me.

I know I should feel happy, but I don't know how to feel. No one's ever told me that before. And what's even worse is that I don't know if I love him back. I don't know what love feels like.

I take a sip of the Tea, "Why does everything need to be so complicated." I whisper to myself.

Kook flips over on the bed. He's now facing my direction. He's such a great person, I don't know why he loves me. I mean look at me, I'm a college student who's taking a break because she got pregnant. Not to mention the fact that I'm a complete mess and barely have any social skills unless I'm drunk.

"Why are you over there?" I look at Kook on the bed. His eyes are wide open.

I smile, "I couldn't sleep."

He sits up on the bed and opens his arms for me to come. I don't move. He let's his hands down and frowns, "What's wrong?"

I take another sip of my tea, "I just don't want to move."

"What did I do?"

I hum in reply, "Nothing."

He gives me a confused and concerned look, "You're hiding something. Tell me what's wrong."

I stand up from the chair, "It's fine." I walk towards the door.

He gets up off the bed and quickly comes over to me. He spins me around by the waist, "So something is bothering you? Tell me, please."

I shake my head, "No it's okay. We can talk about it another time-"

"Is it because I said I love you." I go quiet. He sighs, "I wasn't lying when I said it, I do love you. You don't have to say it if you don't feel the same way. I just needed to tell you."

I look at the ground, "Kook-"

He titls my head up, "It's okay. Don't worry about it."

"I want to say it. I just don't know if I do."

He frowns, "Not all couples fall in love at the same time. So you can take your time, you don't need to feel like you have to say it just because I did."

My eyes start to water, "I'm sorry."

He smiles slightly and wipes my tears away, "You don't need to apologize. Come let's lay down." I nod and he brings me to the bed. He pulls me to his chest and hugs me, "All I want from you, is to be happy when you're with me. You don't have to love me, just wanting to be with me is enough."

I look him in the eye, "That seems unfair."

He shakes his head, "It's not. You want to know why?" I nod, "Because I know you'll love me one day." I let out more tears. He smiles and wipes them away, "Come on. You need to sleep."

I lay my head against his chest and fall asleep.


"Y/n? Baby?" I open my eyes and see Kook standing next to me.


He smiles, "We're gonna head back home now. I packed up your stuff, you just need to get ready to go."

I nod and sit up, "Can we stop off for another milkshake on the way?"

He laughs, "Of course. Now get up and get dressed. Ray and Tae and waiting for us."

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