4.) The Truth [D.M]

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Your time is almost coming to an end in your desired reality, but yours has a twist and cannot be fixed.

You can only spend your time in your desired reality for 6 years and that concludes 24 hours in your reality.

You had spent your time befriending everyone of the students and teachers and even got your true love.

But those past years are done and only a day will need to be ended so you could go back to your reality.

You find it very overwhelming so you thought that it would be good to tell Draco the truth. Draco Lucius Malfoy is the one that caught your eyes and when you digged deep his feelings, he was only misunderstood.

So telling him that your not a real person in this desired reality will break him, knowing that your the only one that could make him smile ear to ear until his cheeks hurt like leaving him.

You are walking down the corridors looking for Draco, you were assuming that he is in the library reading.

You arrived at the library and started looking for the platanum blonde boy who catched your heart.

You finally saw him sitting on the wooden chair near the table reading with your glasses on.

You find it cute but then realization hit when you remembered you have to go back to your burden reality.

"Hi.." You walked towards Draco who lifted his head and looked to your direction.

"Hey baby, i tried on your glasses and i think it works well" Draco took the glasses away from his eyes and gave it you, You happily refused and told him it could be his so that he can remember one thing about you.

"I cant its for your eyesight darling"

"I insist" You said as you kissed his forehead, you pulled away and told him to follow you to the Astronomy Tower to talk about your problem.


You both arrived at The Astronomy Tower and you began to feel nervous.

Will he accept who you are for being a muggle?

Will he love you the same way?

Will he be mad?

Will he pitch you off the Astronomy Tower?

Will he expose your identity to Voldemort?

All those questions popped out of your head, but soon shrugged it away when Draco held your hand tight assuring that its okay.

"Promise me you wont get mad or shout.." You whispered softly facing the love of your life with tears on your eyeballs ready to slide down your cheeks.

"Why would i be—"

"Just promise me please..."

"Alright i promise you" He kissed your forehead as you begin to speak.

"Before you ask questions please let me speak first bubs..." He nodded in understandment and you finally opened your mouth to speak of your truth.

" i am not a real in your reality, this is some kind of sorcery in my head but i can feel you alot... i didnt know we will work out like this and i didnt know this is how i end, i didnt know anything..." He looked at you confused, you continued to speak.

"Theres this thing called shifting in the muggle world, where you can switch realities to your desired one to meet those people who isnt real in the muggle world. And i eventually learned how thats why i arrived here, but i just cant help feel sad that i have to leave you and go back to my horrible reality with a-abusive parents. I cant... but its not my choice, i made a script that i could only last here for 6 years and that concludes 24 hours in my reality. I hate it, but thats what i have to do to continue your life chapter. And remember i will always be there for you no matter what, i love you with all my heart that i'd rather kill the dark lord himself so i could be with you. But no, thats not how it works. Sometimes right people are not meant for each other. Love again..." You finished and realized you had tears streaming down your face.

Draco's face was unreadable but you knew he was breaking down in the inside. " why did you just tell me? We could have done most of it..." He softly said white his unreadable face turned with tears on it.

"I thought that you'll hate me for being a- a muggle" You whispered and sat down on the wooden floor tirely.

"Nothing can change how i love you" Draco said through tears as he hugged you while kneeling so he could reach your height.

"I love you so much"

"I love you too my darling..."


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