5.) Im sorry (D.M)

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"As we shall kill the girl who is distracting Draco from completing his task" Voldemort said with his croaky voice to Lucius.

"I will mostly agree with you My Lord, The girl is preventing my son on fulfilling your wishes and is needed to come to an end." Lucius whispered looking at the fear of his life.

"But, i will make it hard for you since you also didnt fulfill my wish Lucius. Draco will be the one to kill the girl or else him and your family shall be executed." Voldemort then vanishes through air leaving the man paled white.

~At Hogwarts~

Draco had gotten the news of his dark task that he knew wont be possible to do.

He had been told to kill the girl who possibly made him happy in horrible times, by one thing the dark wizard doesn't know is that she has been helping Draco to fulfill Voldemort's wishes.

Draco was also told that he has 2 days and if those two days ended with still Y/N Y/L/N alive, he and his family will be executed by midnight.


One midnight Draco invited you to study at the Astronomy Tower, you agreed happily.

As midnight rolled in, You arrived at the Astronomy tower early than Draco.

You began reading for awhile until you heard footsteps by the staircase. You were first assuming Draco but your thought disappeared when you hear alot of shoes tapping the boards.

The sound disappeared and Draco arrived very neat but had his wand gripping beside his waist, "Hey Draco" you stood up and spoke softly.

You could read his face easily and you can see fear plastered on it, "Whats wron-" you got interrupted by the apparation of the people in masks, death eaters.

You gasped and tried to back out when your back bumped into the railings, you are in a dead end.

"Well look who we have here!" The curly blacked hair woman spoke with a loud voice causing you to whimper softly.

Tears was almost streaming down your cheeks but you dont dare let it fall.

"Now now Draco, we dont want to disappoint the Dark Lord do we?" The creepy woman once again spoke. You looked at Draco's direction seeing him tearing down.

"What- does she- mean draco?" You asked trying not to stutter in fear.


"Oh yes draco what do i mean? Well dear Draco had just been given a task to kill you. Very exciting isnt it? I could have a chitty chat all day with you seeing you suffer but we all have some tight schedules so lets make it quick." The woman's voice was full of silliness and you just can't help but allow your tear fall down after hearing the one you thought loves you needs to execute you himself.

"Go on now Draco" She whispered yell at him as he gripped his wand tighter infront of you.

"Im sorry, i have to kill you or else he's gonna kill me" Draco managed to say it through his sobs, you couldnt imagine what you would do if you were in a situation like this. But you knew that if you die he wouldn't, "its alright... kill me.." You softly said through tears, he shook his head vigorously while still gripping on his wand making his knuckles turn white.

"Stop this lovey dovey moment just kill her!" The man finally spoke, "Do it" you mouthed Draco.

"i love you." You mouthed one last time as he finally said the Killing Curse. You felt yourself fall off the railings and the last thing you saw was Draco who had his face in shock and tears streaming his face until your sight was full of blackness.

Draco's Pov
I killed her. I killed the fucking love of my life because of my stupid task. My happiness is gone. I cant go through my rough life without seeing her smile.

Lastly, I didnt even get to say i love you back...


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