6.) Behind those cameras [T.F]

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"CUT! That was amazing everyone, before we could hop on the other scene i wil give you all an hour of break." David yelled so you and the casts hear him, you all nodded in union as you find an empty couch to lay on.

You saw Tom sitting on the couch you caught the eye on, you were tired so you just walked towards him.

"He~" you yawned covering your opened mouth and rubbed your eyes to keep them open, "Your tired aren't you?" He asked and pat the empty seat beside him.

"No im so energetic! Of course im tired" you joked and sat beside him, he chuckled and ended soonly. It was silent the whole time and you cant help but let your head fall down his shoulders.

The last thing you saw was the crew resting.

Tom's POV
The girl's head was very light that i could sit here all day and feel her presence beside me,

Her head might be sore after an hour of this position, so i placed her head on my lap and fixed her body aswell so that she could be positioning like on a bed.



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