29.) it all started with golf [T.F] Part 2

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Your Pov
The next day, my parents gave me permission on going out with Tom. Its quite surprising for me to see them approve quickly to The Tom Felton, i knew they would love to see my face plastered with smile.

And... i've found an outfit to wear, not really classic but more like fancy. But i dont really recommend Tom any fancy or expensive restaurant, i just wanted to be good-looking infront of him. Not like a gorilla!

I found this silky green dress and a white sweater, today has gotten cold and i didnt wanted to freeze to death

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I found this silky green dress and a white sweater, today has gotten cold and i didnt wanted to freeze to death.

I also tied my hair into a high ponytail and put down some strands, i threw on a nude heels that was quite easy to walk on. I grabbed my purse and texted Tom for him to pick me up.

Tom hadn't really told me where we're going so im taking this as a surprise, 30 minutes later. Tom's car horned our house, i ran down excitedly still thinking its a dream.

But shrugged it off when my mom spoke, "Oh god she's growing already..." She mumbles, wiping invisible tears underneath her eyes.

I rolled my eyes playfully as i gave both my parents kiss on the cheeks, after that. I ran out welcoming the sight of Tom's Lamborghini, and him with a suit.

"Stop!" Tom shouted, panic rushed in me. He quickly ran towards me and stopped when we were inches away.

He offered his hands for me to hold as i walk down the tracks, "You almost gave me a heart attack!" I whispered yell, he chuckled in response. I agreed on holding his hands while Tom leads me to his car.

He opens the door which was going up, never in a million years have i thought these exists.

"Charming" I complimented, Tom's cheeks flushed with redness as i hopped in.

He circled around to reach the driver's seat, and once he's in. Tom spoke, "you look beautiful."

My cheeks was surrounded by a red shade, and thats how much i regretted putting a light shade of blush.

"Thank you, You look handsome"

Now both our cheeks flew with blushes, he started the car as he drove the road.

"So where are we going?" I ask, looking at the sceneries happening outside the window.

"Now, my answer is a secret" Tom grins, i was supposed to be uncomfortable or something but neither of those were produced.

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