Chapter 1

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(Sorry some of this is terrible! I am trying to edit it when I can so please bare with me! thanks!xx)

Every day is like a blank page, you never know what is going to be written

-Nathan Sykes

Chapter 1

'How do I learn to love when I don't know what love is' I thought to myself while I was sitting in my room.

Why do I always think about stuff like this I really don't know any thing about this feeling they call love that I never have seen ever since my dad died mum just never seemed to feel love so I never got to see it.

"Jennifer, Tom is here from London" Mum said. Tom was back! I never really see him much since he joined The Wanted.

I ran downstairs and I saw Tom "Jennifer" he said and came up to me and hugged me "I've missed you" he said "I've missed you too" I said.

When we pulled out of our hug I saw four lads behind him "Jennifer these are my mates Max,Siva,Jay,and Nathan" Tom said I waved at them and they waved back I looked at Nathan and he was gorgeous with his brown hair and green eyes.

Nathan saw me staring at him and smiled I returned the smile and turned around and walked back upstairs to my room. I had my book I had to read for my school that I go to in America. I'm on break right know so that's why I'm not in America right now at the moment.

"Hey" I heard someone say I looked up and it was Tom.

"Hey" I said.

"What are you reading some novel from the states?" He asked taking my book.

"Tom give me my book back" I said trying to reach it for it but he was too tall for me to reach it.

"Noah was a country boy and Allie was from the city" he read, "what kind of book is this?"

"It's called The Notebook I have to read for my school in America so give it back" I said.

"Why do you go to school in America?" He asked "Because I want to" I said he laughed and ran downstairs with my book.

"Jay she's reading some book from the states" Tom yelled from downstairs.

"Tom give me my book back" I yelled running downstairs.

"No" he said.

"Tom give her back her book" Nathan said.

"Somebody fancies Jennifer" Max said.

"No I do not it's just Tom is being annoying right now" Nathan protested while Tom was doing something Nathan snatched my book from him an handed it to me.

"My sister loves that book by the way" he said I smiled.

"See Tom not only Americans read this book" I said he rolled his eyes and I went back to my room.

This book was really good so far I was so into my book that I didn't hear someone come in.

"Jennifer!" the person I looked up and it was Tom again.

"What do you want Tom?" I asked.

"Nathan needs to bunk with you because we are out of guest bedrooms" Tom said.

"Okay" I said not really paying attention to what he said because I was into my book.

"Hi Jennifer" I heard someone say I looked up and it was Nathan.

"Hey" I said smiling he returned the smile and he fell to the floor. I tried not to laugh but I couldn't help it I looked at my doorway and Jay was on the ground laughing and Nathan was still face first on the ground.

"Nathan are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes" he muttered into the carpet I got off my bed and helped him up off the ground.

"You alright?" I asked again.

"Yea I'm fine" he said when he fell he dropped his hat so I bent down grabbed it and handed it back to him "Thanks" he said smiling "Welcome" I said sitting back down on my bed getting my book out I had to finish it before I had to go back.

"NATHAN,JENNIFER FOODS HERE" Tom yelled from downstairs does anyone want me to finish my book "I don't think anyone wants you to finish that book" Nathan said its like he read my mind "Pretty much" I said closing my book again and going downstairs with Nathan behind me.

"Tom do you want me to finish my book?" I asked when I entered the kitchen "Nope" he said popping the p I rolled my eyes and enjoyed the pizza we ordered.

"So Umm Tom told me that I had to sleep in here" Nathan said when we got back to my room "Yea he told me that also since my bed is freaking huge so you can sleep in the bed with me just stay on your side I don't want Tom getting any dirty thoughts" I said he laughed "Trust me he is worse on tour" he replied "I bet" I said laughing he laughed I love his laugh it was so cute wait a second am I falling for Nathan James Sykes

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