Chapter 10

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Be yourself and live life because life is short so be crazy and love life

-Jordan Medford (me) :)

Chapter 10

Today I have to go back to school. I go to a private school in New York. Mum thought that it be a good idea if I went to a school in America so I can learn how Americans are and stuff like that.

"Jennifer you ready to go?" Nathan asked I nodded grabbing my carry on I walked into the living room and the lads were sitting on the couch while Jay had a flip.

"And this is Jennifer Tom's littler sister and also Nathan's girlfriend" Jay said pointing the flip at me I waved at the camera and Jay turned the camera back to him.

"Today Jennifer goes back to school in America so we are going to the airport with her" he said making a weird face at the end I rolled my eyes.

"This has been Wanted Wendsday goodbye" Tom said.

"Bye" the rest said and Jay turned off the flip.

"Lets go before I miss my flight" I said and we walked out.

"I'm going to miss you sis" Tom said giving me a hug.

"I'm going to miss you too Tom" I said he smiled.

"Don't hog her Tom I want a hug" Max said and Tom let go.

"I'll miss you Jennifer" he said.

"I'll miss you too Max" I said next was Siva.

"I'll miss you Jennifer" he said.

"I'll miss you too Seev" I replied and ruffled my hair.

"My turn" Jay says pushing Siva out of the way and gives me a bear hug.

"I'm going to miss making fun of you Jennifer" he said.

"I'm going to miss you too Jay" I laughed I looked at Nathan and he gave me the best hug.

"I'm going to miss you Jennifer don't forget about me" he said and I felt a tear land on my shirt I looked at Nathan and he was about to start crying.

"Don't cry Nathan I'm not going to forget about you I'll see you in three weeks I love you" I said he smiled.

"I love you too" he said then he put his soft lips onto mine.

"Cough cough that's my sister you're kissing" Tom said and we pulled away and I rolled my eyes. I was holding Nathan's hand until my flight was called I started walking then turned to look at Nathan who was still holding my hand.

"I'll miss you" I mouthed he smiled.

"I'll miss you too" he mouthed back and I smiled I let go of his hand and walked to my plane.

I landed in New York at like 4:30 so I decided to call Nathan he picked up right away.

"Hello" -Nathan

"Hey Nathan" -me

"Jennifer! How was your flight?" -Nathan

"It was good" -me

"Jay quit stealing kids hats" -Siva

"Um what's going on?" -me

"Jay stole a kids hat" -Nathan

"Well that's cool I have to go bye Nathan" -me

"Bye Jennifer I love you" -Nathan

"I love you too" -me

I hung up the phone and took a cab to school. I arrived at Jefferson Private School at five so I had to hurry if I was going to make it to dinner.

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