Chapter 14

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I sometimes think I can do crystal meth then I think mmmm better not.

-Fat Amy

Chapter 14

I woke up refreshed I got out of bed and fixed me some coffee since I'm one of those weird boring people who has to have their coffee "I don't really see you as one of those coffee people" Nathan said I gave him a smile and he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his chin on my shoulder "We have a gig tomorrow will you come?" he asked "Sure" I said turning around he smiled and put his soft lips onto mine I smiled into the kiss "I said keep it PG kids" JoJo said walking in and I quickly pulled away "And where have you been?" I asked "Okay mom I'll tell you I stayed the night at Tom's" she replied "And your telling us to keep it PG" Nathan said "I'm twenty-two years old you two are nineteen and eighteen" she replied, "you two just got burnt, roasted, and tosted" and Nathan gave her a funny look "You remind me of my friend Maddie" he said "You mean the blonde chick who's boyfriend best friend got into a fight with you" she said "Yea" he said "Haha trust me I'm not a blonde" she replied "You have blonde hair though" he said "I dye my hair" she said and he nodded his head.

"Wow London is amazing" JoJo said and Tom smiled at her they are so perfect for each other JoJo has never been outside of America so Nathan, Tom, and I were showing her around. Nathan and I were walking hand-n-hand and Tom and JoJo was walking hand-n-hand I saw some girls who were probably fans glaring at JoJo and I but I don't care "JoJo you want to go on the London Eye?" Tom asked she nodded her head and Tom picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and ran to the line Nathan did he same with me and ran to where JoJo and Tom were at "Oh gawd that's high" I muttered "It's okay love I'll make sure you don't fall" Nathan whispered in my ear I nodded my head and Nathan pulled me onto the ride I have never been on the London Eye before and plus I'm scared of heights. I felt Nathan grab my hand and his thumb was rubbing my knuckles I was looking out the window and I saw the best view I have ever seen then I realized mum "Mum" I said "What's wrong?" Nathan asked "I missed her funereal" I said "No you didn't Tom moved it to next week" he said and I felt relieved.

The ride stopped and we got off and continued to walk around London for a couple more hours "So JoJo when are you going to visit your family in Tenneessee?" I asked "I guess I'll leave tomorrow so mom doesn't get mad" she said "Your leaving so soon" Nathan said they were getting along well which makes me happy "Yep I have to go see my family" she replied "O My Gawd it's Nathan and Tom" some girls said running up to us "Can we have a picture" the blonde one said "Sure" Tom replied and Nathan and him took a picture with both of them I saw both of them give JoJo and I glares and I guess JoJo saw it to cause as the person she is she had to say something "Take a picture it'll last longer" JoJo said "Excuse me" the one with black hair said "You heard me" JoJo replied and before I knew it the black haired girl starting punching JoJo and the blonde one was trying to get her friend off of JoJo when the turned over Tom, Nathan, and I ran over and tried to get JoJo off of the girl when we got JoJo off the girl Tom was holding JoJo back while the blonde girl was helping her friend off the ground the girl muttered something under her breath and they walked away "Well um that was a experience" I said I saw Tom trying to calm JoJo which wasn't really working so we decided to go home.

When we got home JoJo went strait to the guest bedroom which still had holes in it from when Nathan drilled holes in it so I guess that foot will never be replaced I heard a knock on the door and so I went to go open it and Maddie and Louis were standing outside "Hi" I said and Maddie gave me a huge hug "I heard about what happened" she said "I'm fine trust me" I said she smiled and her and Louis walked inside everyone tells me that Louis is so loud but he is quite around Nathan and I "Oh hey Maddie, hey Louis" Nathan said Maddie smiled and they both sat down beside each other and I sat down beside Nathan "So Maddie when do you have to go back to San Antonio?" Nathan asked "Next week" she said and Louis was just sitting there awakardly "Come on Lou your just sitting there you can at least speak" Maddie said nudging Louis "Well we are sorry about Harold he is a weird lad" Louis said "It's okay" Nathan said "Harry is a pervert at sometimes and he doesn't know how to back off of people's girlfriends" Louis replied.

A hour later Maddie and Louis left and JoJo still hasn't came out of the guest bedroom yet "I wonder what's up with JoJo" I said walking down the hall an to the guest bedroom I heard her yelling I looked threw one of the he's and she was on the phone "No mom I'm not pregnant I haven't had sex with Tom either everytime I tell you I have a boyfriend you think I have already had sex with him I'm twenty-two years old I can do what I want" she yelled hanging up the phone and walking up to the door I backed away right when she opened the door "You okay?" I asked "Yea I'm fine" she said walking into the living room I shrugged it off and let her be but I knew that she was hiding something

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