Chapter 9

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Follow the dream,work hard,inspire,and be inspired

-Nathan Sykes

Chapter 9

I leave to go back to school tomorrow and so today I have to move all my stuff to Nathan's flat "Ready love?" Nathan asked as I finished packing this was going to be my last year at school so that's a good thing "Yep" I said grabbing my bags that I have to take back with me to school and Nathan grabbed the bags that go to his flat.

Tom, Jay, Siva, and Max already went back to there flats while Nathan and I got everything to his "I'm going to miss you Jennifer" he said when we got into my car "I'm going to miss you too Nathan, but I only go for three weeks then I'm off for a month then I go back for four weeks then I graduate" I said and he smiled "And I will be attending that in style as usual" he said and he drove to his flat.

We moved everything into his flat and since I live at school my stuff is already there so I don't have to pack anything to take with me thank gawd "Jennifer have I told you that you are beautiful today cause you are" Nathan said pulling me close to him as closing the gap between us he put his arms around my waist I put my arms around his neck and when we pulled away he was smiling I looked behind him and saw a door with holes in it "Why does that door have holes in it?" I asked "That's when Tom, Jay, and I locked Maddie in a room with Louis I have been meaning to get that door fixed" he said I laughed and looked at the time it was only 4:30 "I'm taking you somewhere come on" he said grabbing my hand intertwining our fingers and walking out the door.

"Nathan where are we going?" I asked I couldn't see cause Nathan had blindfolded me "I can't tell you" he said. When the car stopped Nathan helped me out and directed me somewhere "Okay love" he said taking the blindfold off it was a nice little picnic in a park "Nathan you didn't have too" I said "Yes I did you are leaving tomorrow and I wanted are last day together to be special" he said grabbing both of my hands and looking me in the eyes with his perfect green eyes "I love you Jennifer" he said "I love you too" I said and his lips crashed onto mine again. He was the first to pull away and he grabbed my hand and led me too the blanket and we ate what he brought "So let me guess Maddie gave you this idea" I said "No Louis did because he did this for Maddie on there first date" he said I laughed "Well it's wonderful" I said.

When we got done with our picnic he took me to go see a movie which he picked MAMA to watch cause he wanted to see a scary movie "Nathan do we really have to watch a scary movie" I whispered when we got into the room where the movie would be played "Yes" he whispered back I sighed I hate scary movies.

"It wasn't that scary Jennifer" Nathan said when the movie was over "Yes it was MAMA was so ugly and she could walk sideways it just weird" I said he laughed and put his arm around my waist "I guess someone is going to be scared tonight" he said as we got into the car to go back to his flat "I will not" I said he laughed "Trust me you will love" he said

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