Chapter 19

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Valentines Day is a massive screw you to single people.

-Nathan Sykes

Chapter 19

Today is the day I graduate and Nathan is flying in today with the lads and JoJo, Alex, Sammy, and Rebecca were getting ready "I want to meet you twos boyfriends since you talk so much about them" Sammy said "She dates my brother enough said" I said laughing "Yeah and her brother is hot" JoJo said and we all started laughing "I know we aren't talking about Thomas Anthony Parker" I said "And your Nathan James Sykes isn't perfect either" JoJo joked "I need a boyfriend" Alex said "I know right" Rebecca said "Girls are you ready?" Our principle asked "Yes sir" Alex said and we all walked out of the room in alphabetical order since we were the only five graduating which ment I was last since my last name is Parker.

Sammy Brown

Rebecca Cole

JoJo Dawson

Alex Nelson

Jennifer Parker

"Now I will say the name of our graduates and they will come collect their diploma" Principel Blackwood said, "Samatha Brown" and Sammy walked onto the stage and shook Blackwood's hand and grabbed her diploma "Rebecca Cole" he said and their was a huge applause as Rebecca walked onto the stage "Jordan Dawson" he said and I saw Tom in the front row clapping his hands and mouth the words 'I love you' "Alexandra Nelson" and Alex walked up and did the same as the others "And last but not least Jennifer Parker" Blackwood said and I walked onto the stage and looked out into the crowd and saw Nathan he was smiling really big "Confradulations" Blackwood said shaking my hand and giving me my diploma I gave him a quick smile and walked off the stage "And that concludes our ceremony" he said and walked off the stage "JoJo" I heard Tom say running up to her picking her up and spinning her around "Jennifer" Nathan said giving me a huge hug and placing his lips onto mine "So your Nathan" Alex said causing us to pull away "Yes I am" Nathan said "Nathan this is Alex" I said "I've heard a lot about you" Alex said "Move Alex I want to meet him" Sammy said pushing Alex out f the way "And this is Samatha" I said as she gave Nathan a small smile and walked over to Tom and JoJo "And I'm Rebecca" Rebecca said butting in and she then walked over to Tom and JoJo "So what time is our flight?" I asked "Three hours" Nathan replied "Okay I have to pack up my dorm" I said pulling him with me to the entrance to the dorms. When we got to my dorm I walked in and started packing I already packed some stuff but I couldn't finish. A hour later I was finished and so was JoJo and we headed to the airport and waited for two hours for our flight to be called.

We landed in London and Nathan and I went to our flat while everyone else went to theirs "I'm so glad I'm done with school" I said "Me too so lets have a toast" Nathan said going into the kitchen and bringing two beers with him and handing me one "A toast to no school" he said and we bumped our beers "No way you have beer" I heard a Irish accent say and I saw Maddie and Niall in the doorway "We came to stop by to congratulate Jennifer for completing school" Maddie said stepping in "Thank you. Do you two want a drink?" I asked and they both nodded I walked in the kitchen and grabbed two beers and walked out and handed them to Niall and Maddie. When we were done with our beers Maddie and Niall left "I'm tired" I said "Me too" Nathan replied walking into the bedroom behind me I changed into some pajamas and Nathan was already asleep I walked up to him and kissed his forehead "I love you Nathan" I said I turned to walk out to get something when he grabbed my wrist still asleep "I love you to Jennifer"

(So the story is almost over and so their is just going to be one more chapter and a epilogue)

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