Chapter 20

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Don't stop at the first hurdle perserver until you achieve what you deserve.

-Max George

Chapter 20 (Final Chapter)

*5 years later*

I woke up and did what I usually did every morning for the past five years which is make tea and do chores and wait till Nathan got up and then JoJo and Tom would knock on the door with their daughter Bethanie. Nathan and I don't have children cause we aren't married like JoJo and Tom and I don't want to have sex till after marriage and Nathan agreed to wait till the day that happened "Morning love" Nathan said kissing me on the cheek "Morning" I said sipping my tea "Today JoJo and Tom aren't coming over" Nathan said and I nodded my head cause I was tired "So that means we have the whole day to ourselves" he said with a smile "Yay" I said sarcastically "Trust me you'll love it" he said running into the bedroom to change when he came out I walked in and changed into some skinny jeans and a light blue blouse and putting on some brown boots "You ready love?" Nathan asked "Yes" I said walking out and putting my phone in my pocket "Then come on" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me outside I tried to catch up but Nathan walks to fast for me "Slow down" I said "Oops sorry love" he said slowing down so I could catch up with him "So what are we doing?" I asked "Can't tell you" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Nathan we have been walking for hours it's starting to get dark can we go home?" I asked "We are actually where we are suppose to be" he said and we were at a park and their was a candlelit dinner "Nathan you didn't have to" I said "Trust me yes I did" he said pulling my chair out and sitting down after I sat down. We finished eating and I saw Tom, Jay, Max, Siva, Nareesha, and JoJo "What are they doing here?" I asked "For this" Nathan said getting down on one knee and pulling out a ring "Jennifer we met five years ago and I fell in love with you when I got to know you and these past five years have been amazing I just want you to do this one thing for me" he said, "Jennifer Christine Parker will you marry me?" I started crying "Yes" I said he smiled and placed the ring on my finger and picking me up bridal style and kissing me "My little sister is getting married" Tom said pretending to cry "They grow up so fast" Max said "He's not a baby anymore" Siva added "I'm forever alone" Jay said "Oh shut up Jay don't ruin their moment" Nareesha said "You go girl" JoJo said and they all started laughing I pulled away to breath and Nathan had a huge smile on his face and put me down "Now lets go celebrate" Jay said and we all started walking down the street Nathan all of the sudden stopped right at the busiest part of the street "Nathan what are you doing?" I asked "I have to announce something" he said standing on edge of the fountain that stood there "EVERYONE I HAVE A ANNOUCEMENT!' he screamed and everyone looked at him "I NATHAN SYKES FROM THE WANTED AM GETTING MARRIED TO THIS BEAUTIFUL GIRL JENNIFER PARKER!" he screamed again pointing at me and everyone applauded he jumped down and put his arm around my waist spinning me around towards him "Jennifer I want you to remember something" he said as I looked into his green eyes "What do I need to remember?" I asked and he said, "Even if are marriage doesn't last forever just remember I will always love you and that you are beautiful."

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