Chapter 4

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Success doesn't come to you.... you go to it

-Marva Collins

Chapter 4

I woke up with Tom screaming this is how he usually wakes me up so I found it normal "Tom" I said "What?" He asked "Shut up" I said and threw a pillow at him "No you just didn't" he replied I laughed "Yes I just did" I said and he attacked me and started to tickle me "" I said thru my laughs but he didn't stop at all.

When Tom stopped I walked downstairs and Tom ran behind me and tackled me onto the couch then Jay landed on Tom then Max then Siva and finally Nathan landed on top and poor me was on the bottom "Will you five get off of me?" I muttered finally they got off of me and Nathan pulled me up "Sorry babe I just wanted to join the fun" he said I blushed cause he called me babe "Little Nathan and Jennifer are in love" Jay said while making a air heart.

"Jennifer will you go on another date with me please?" Nathan asked when we got to my room well it's pretty much our room since we both sleep here "What are you going to do if I say no?" I asked he looked at me with a smirk "This" he said I looked at him confused he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and ran downstairs and threw the back door where we have a pool "Say yes and or I'll throw you into the pool" he said I didn't like the water cause my aunt died from drowning.

"You wouldn't dare" I said he nodded his head "Fine I'll go out with you again" I said he smiled and put me down "Thank you" he said and hugged me I saw Jay walking too us "Nath has a girlfriend" he sung I rolled my eyes and Jay pushed Nathan and I into the pool.

I couldn't breath and I was sinking I felt someone grab my arm and pulled me out of the pool. I started coughing but I was okay I opened my eyes and saw a wet Nathan and Jay "Jennifer are you okay?" Nathan asked "Yea I'm fine" I said "Jennifer I'm sorry" Jay said "It's okay Jay" I said I stood up and Nathan put a arm around my shoulder and we walked inside "Why are you two wet?" Tom asked "I fell into the pool and Nathan dove in to get me out" I said not saying that Jay pushed me into the pool "As long as you are okay" he said hugging me he could be a caring brother.

Nathan and I walked upstairs to "our" room "So when is our date?" I asked "Tomorrow at five wear something fancy" he said and kissed my cheek I blushed as I walked into the bathroom to change into my pajamas.

I walked out and Nathan was only in his boxers I didn't mind because I have seen Tom in his tons of times. I laud down on my bed and got under the blankets cause I was still cold from when I "fell" into the pool I guess Nathan saw that I was cold cause when he laid down he pulled me close to him "You seem cold" he said I nodded and fell asleep right there in his arms.

The next day was boring and at four I was starting to get ready. I banned Nathan from my room till it was five.

I was wearing a short red dress,some black heels,and I straitened my hair. At five I heard a knock on my door "You ready love" I heard Nathan say from the other side I opened the door and Nathan was wearing a tuxedo I smiled and he smiled "You look beautiful" he said I blushed he grabbed my hand and we went outside to my car. Nathan would not tell me where we were going "Why won't you tell me?" I asked we drove for a while and I saw that we were in London "Nathan why are we in London?" I asked "You'll see" is all he said I rolled my eyes.

We pulled up to a movie theater Nathan ran out of the car and to open my side of my door I stepped out of the car and Nathan grabbed my hand I saw some celebrities like Jamie Fox and Ryan Gosling I then saw Leonardo Dicaprio and started freaking out "O my gosh it's Leonardo Dicaprio" I said "I know love that's why we are here" he said "Wait what?" I asked "I brought you to the premiere of Django Unchained so you can meet him like you always wanted to" he said I just stood there and he was trying to drag me to go meet him "Come on love" Nathan said I finally gave up and we walked up to him he turned around I guess he already knew who Nathan was "Hey Nathan how you doing?" He asked "Good I would like you to meet my girlfriend Jennifer she is a big fan of your movies" he said "Well it's nice to meet you Jennifer" he said holding hi hand out for me to shake I gladly shook it. Wait did Nathan called me his girlfriend that means I'm his girlfriend "Well Nathan, Jennifer I guess I will she you two later" Leonardo said and he walked into the theater.

The movie was good and we drive back to Bolton and back to are house. We got back pretty late so I guess the other lads were asleep. We walked in and Tom was sitting on the couch "Sup?" He said I think he was in America to long that he talks like them kinda "We just got back as you can see and I'm going to sleep so goodnight" I said and walked upstairs. I got dressed to go to bed and laid down in the bed a few minutes later I heard the door open and someone kiss my forehead and laid down beside me

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