Chapter 2

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Success is impossible without hard work.

-Louis Tomlinson

Chapter 2

"I knew that they would get together but not this early" I heard Max say.

"But they do look good together" Siva said.

"Shut up Siva. That's my sister your talking about" Tom said.

"I think we should throw water on them" Jay said.

"If you do that I will beat the shit out of all of you" I said with my eyes still closed.

"Oh shit" Jay said and him,Tom,Max,and Siva ran out of my room.

I opened my eyes and Nathan was really close to me no wonder they thought that his arm was around my waist and he pulled me really close to him.

"Nathan" I whispered he didn't answer.

"Nathan" I said a little louder he still didn't answer.

"NATHAN" I yelled he jumped and fell off the bed and onto the floor I couldn't help but laugh and Tom,Siva,Max,and Jay were laughing in the doorway.

'"Nathan are you okay?" I said getting up from my bed and helping him up again I think gravity has a great affect on him in my room cause he always ends up in my floor.

"Yea I just got bloody scared" he said.

"I'm sorry it's just you were a little to close to me" I said and he laughed.

"Sorry" he said and smiled I love his smile 'Quite Jennifer you are not falling for him' I thought to myself.

"Jennifer you okay?" Nathan asked.

"Yea I'm fine just hungry" I said and walked out of my room with him standing there.

"Jennifer I'm off to work" Mum said when I got downstairs.

"Bye Mum" I said.

"BYE MUM" Tom yelled from upstairs and Mum left to go to work.

"JENNIFER" Tom yelled from upstairs.

"What do you want Tom?" I yelled back sometimes all Tom does is yell even if he is twenty-four.

"Come here" he said I got up from the couch and put my bowel of cereal on the coffee table and went up to Tom's room.

"What do you want Tom?" I asked then I felt cold water all over me.

"Damn you" I said and stormed back to my room.

"It's not good to cuss Jennifer" Jay said from the hallway he was laughing and so was Tom and Max I couldn't hear Siva or Nathan though I shrugged it off.

When I had a new change of clothes and my hair was dried I went back downstairs to finish my cereal but Tom was eating it when I got down there.

"What the hell Tom" I said he looked at me and shrugged I rolled my eyes at him and sat down beside Nathan on the other couch.

"Jennifer and Nathan getting close" Jay said.

"Shut up Jay" Nathan and I said at the same time he rolled his eyes at us.

"You two are like twins" Siva said.

"Twins my ass" I muttered.

"Jennifer it's not good to curse" Jay said again I rolled my eyes.

"Are you always this annoying?" I asked, "I know Tom is but you people are annoying as hell"

"Pretty much" Max said.

"If Mum heard you right know she beat the shit out of you" Tom said I rolled my eyes knowing that he is right.

"I'm bored" Jay said, "what is there to do here?"

"Well there is a skating rink" I suggested.

"LETS GO" Max and Jay screamed and ran upstairs I walked up to my room to get my phone since we are going skating I'm pretty good at skating always have been.

When we got there we got are skates and I knew Tom could skate and it seemed that Jay, Max, and Siva could also I looked at Nathan who was having trouble.

"You need help?" I asked he nodded and I grabbed his hand he smiled.


I can not skate worth a damn I was pretty terrible until Jennifer came up to me and offered to help I will admit I'm falling for her but she doesn't seem into me.

She grabbed my hand and helped me so I wouldn't fall I saw Jay wriggle his eyebrows and Tom gave me a harsh look I know that I should ask Tom if I can date her I mean she is beautiful with her long brown hair and blue eyes I wonder where she gets them from cause Tom and her mum have brown eyes.

They announced that it was couple skate and I was going to make my move.

"Jennifer do you want to skate?" I asked.

"Sure" she said I grabbed her hand and we started to skate.

"You look good" I said she smiled.

"Thanks" she said and she started to blush I love it when she blushes.


I didn't know what I was doing that I tripped and fell and since Nathan was holding my hand he fell on top of me and we just looked into each others eyes and he leaned in and kissed me and I kissed back I couldn't believe that I was kissing Nathan James Sykes in The Wanted with my older brother who was annoying.

"Jennifer I know we just met but will you go on a date with me?" He asked when we pulled away.

"Yes" I said and we kissed again I couldn't believe it I was going on a date.

Beautiful (Nathan Sykes) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now