Chapter 12

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Success is the best form of revenge.

-Jay McGuiness

Chapter 12

I woke up in a barn I was tied down to a chair my mouth had tape on it and I couldn't move.

"She's awake" I heard someone say I looked around but couldn't see anyone.

"Don't worry about her make sure Tom and Nathan arrive at one" I heard Carl say. I should've known.

"Okay" the person said and walked out the door I saw Carl walk up to me and removed the tape from my mouth.

"What did I do to you Carl?" I asked.

"Shut up" he said and slapped me so hard the chair fell sideways.

"You, your brother, and your precious boyfriend are about to die and be with your mum" he said I'm going to die today.

Nathan POV

It was 12:58 and we just arrived at the abandoned barn there was a boy waiting outside. We dropped JoJo, Jay, Siva, and Max off at the back so they could sneak in from behind "You two are early" the boy said and we nodded he smirked and opened the door and pushed us inside the barn was dark except for a little spot with a chair sideways and there was a person sitting in the chair I saw long brown hair and I knew that it was Jennifer I ran to her side and untied her and ripped the tape off her mouth "Jennifer are you okay?" I asked she nodded "Nathan he's going to kill us" she said I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug "I'm not going to let him hurt you" I said I felt someone pull me away from Jennifer and throw me over to where Tom was and Carl was infront of Jennifer I saw Jay and JoJo carefully sneak over to Jennifer and helped her up and guided her to the back door "Now I'm going to kill you two first so Jennifer can watch you two die" he said I looked at Tom and he was scared and so was I wasn't going to tell him that. Carl had his gun pointed at me and was going to kill me I said a quick prayer and I felt the bullet hit me in the leg and I fell to the ground.

Jennifer POV

I heard a gun shot and saw Nathan fall to the ground "Natha-" I said before Jay put his hand over my mouth I saw Carl turned around and saw us "I told you come alone" he said and then shot Tom in the arm "Tom" JoJo said and started crying before I hand went over her mouth dragging her into the darkness Jay grabbed my wrist and pulled me out if the building and into the van once I got in I started crying "What happened in there? Where's Nath, Tom, and JoJo?" Max asked "Carl shot Nathan and Tom then he got JoJo" I said between sobs "We have to get them" Max said "We can't" Siva said "Yea we can't just go in there with just us we need back up" Jay said "I don't care I'm going to be with Nathan" I said opening the door and jumping out we were not even a half a mile down the road "Jennifer" I heard Max from behind me "What?" I said "I'm coming with you the lads are going to get the police while we try to do something" he said "Lets go save some people" I said smiling.

Nathan POV

"Natha-" Jennifer screamed before Jay covered covered her mouth Carl looked at them and looked angry "I told you two to come alone" he said then shot Tom and he fell to the ground like me "Tom!" JoJo screamed before getting pulled into the darkness I saw Jennifer try to run to me but Jay grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the barn and that's all I saw before I blacked out.

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