Chapter 17

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You're keeping yourself TIED UP so you won't let me down didn't you ever just think JUST MAYBE?

-Tom Parker

Chapter 17

"I'm going over to Maddies's" I said her and I have became really good friends and I only go when Harry is not there which is today cause they have to go to the studio.

"Okay love" Nathan said giving me a peck on the cheek and I walked to Maddie's.

"Hey Jennifer" Maddie said as I walked up to her flat.

"Hey" I said taking my coat off and setting it on the couch. It was really cold outside.

"That's a big jacket!" Maddie said "It's cold so yeah I have a big coat" I said and she laughed "Do you want some tea?" she asked "Sure" I said and she walked into the kitchen. A few minuetes later she walked out with two cups of tea she handed me one "So how did you and Louis meet?" I asked she never told me how they did and I was curious "Well it's a long story" she said "Please, I would love to hear it" I begged "Okay I'll tell you" she said, "well Niall and I are cousins and he asked if I wanted to go on their world tour with them so I said sure and I brought my best friend Afton and so Louis and I met and we started to like each other so we dated at first then we had to go to San Antonio and we had a issue and we broke up for three months then Afton died and Niall dated Afton and so they came and at first I didn't like him then we got back together and since my dad is at business I'm living here till he gets back" she said and that's a long story "So how did you meet Nathan?" she asked "Well Tom is my brother and he brought his mates over since I was back from school for a while and my mum was killed so I moved in with Nathan" I said looking at the ground "Oh" she said "Maddie we're home" Niall said walking home "Um I have I go" I said getting up "Do you need a ride home cause it's raining" Louis said "No I'll be fine" I said walking outside and it was pouring outside I threw on hood up on my coat and began walking in the rain.

I walked up to Nathan and I's flat and walked in "Jennifer why are you wet?" Nathan asked "I walked" I replied "Why didn't you ring me I would've come pick you up" he said getting a blanket and putting it around me "I'm fine" I said sitting on the couch "Dude I missed the Superbowel!" JoJo said walking in "Calm down JoJo" I said "Dude I freaking missed The Ravens give a beat down to the 49ers" she said storming out "She loves American football" I said "I can tell" Nathan said laughing "Yea it's pretty obvious" I said laughing.

(Sorry it's short I've just been really busy lately and I'm running out if ideas :( so if you have any ideas please comment)

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