Chapter 6

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If I'm going to die I want to still be me

-Peeta Mellark

Chapter 6

"Jennifer it's time to wake up so we can go to London" Nathan said shaking me.

"Go away I'm tired" I said pushing him.

"No wake up" he says and gets on top of me.

"What the hell?" I say.

"Get up" he replies "No" I snap back "Fine then I will do this" he says then crashes his lips onto mine I was a little shocked at first but I kissed back. Nathan picked me up while we were still kissing and he placed me on the floor and pulled away with a smirk on his face "Bitch" I mutter under my breath "What?" He asked "Nothing" I said and grabbed my clothes and walked into the bathroom to change.

I walked out of the bathroom and Nathan was shirtless I couldn't help but stare "You like what you see" he says with a smirk "Maybe" I replied he laughed and put on his shirt.

I walked downstairs and Jay ,Max ,and Tom were sitting on the couch "Where's Siva?" I asked "Getting ready he takes a really long time" Max said I laughed and Nathan walked down the stairs "COME ON SIVA" he yells "I'm coming hold up" Siva says and runs downstairs "Now we can go" Tom said dragging me out the door "Nathan I think your girlfriend is getting dragged away" Jay said I rolled my eyes and got into Tom's van. Nathan sat down beside me and was kicking Jay when Jay tried to kick Nathan back he kicked me "Ow" I said "Sorry love" he said and crawled to the back seat with Max since Tom was driving and Siva called what Americans say 'shotgun' which is the passenger seat "Jay your an idiot" Max said from behind me "I know" he replied I giggle at his reply I would never admit to being a idiot.

A couple hours later we were at London and we arrived at Maddie's flat "I'm going to see Maddie first" Jay yells and runs out of the van Max climbed out after him I climbed out with Nathan behind me. Jay knocked on the door and a girl with blonde hair with bright blue eyes opened the door "MADDIE" Jay screamed and hugged her "Jay can't breath" she said in a American accent "Sorry" he said letting her go "Hey love" Max said and hugged her also then Siva then Tom "Where's Nathan?" She asked "Right here Maddie" he said pushing his way through the lads and he hugged her "Maddie I want you to meet someone" Nathan said grabbing my hand and pulling me thru the lads "This is Jennifer she is Tom'a sister and my girlfriend" he said "Tom I didn't know you had a sister" she said shaking my hand he shrugged his shoulders "Y'all can come in if you want" she said so she was one of those people with those country accents. We walked inside her flat since I was the last person to walk in I was tackled to the ground I looked up and a boy with curly brown hair and green eyes was looking at me "Harry get off of her" Maddie says he gets off of me and I stand up "Why were you running Harry?" She asked wow she is like a mom "Your boyfriend was trying to straighten my hair" he said grabbing his curls "I swear you people act like fucking children" she said and walked down a hallway "Sorry about that I'm Harry Styles by the way" he said holding his hand out for me to shake I shook it and said "I'm Jennifer Parker" "Pretty name for a pretty girl" he said I looked at Nathan and he was giving Harry a death glare I saw Tom whisper something into his ear "You two need to stop acting like children you are fucking 21 years old Louis" Maddie said walking from the hallway "Well sorry for acting normal" a boy with stripes says following behind her "You can at least act a little your age" she screamed "Well maybe I don't want too maybe I like acting like a child" Louis screamed back "Can you two stop fighting I swear you two couldn't stop fighting to save save your god damn life" I heard a Irish accent say from the kitchen he walked in and he had blonde hair with blue eye "Shut up Niall" Maddie said "Oooh" Tom said "Shut up Tom" I said smacking him in the back of the head "Everytime we have guests over you act like this" Maddie screams at Louis again "I'm sorry am I embarrassing you in front of your friends" Louis yells, "Fine then let me embarrass you some more" he turned his back towards us and pulled his pants down so we can see his butt "Mate pull your trousers up" Tom said covering my eyes so I couldn't see his bum "Louis pull your god damn pants up" Maddie said and I guess he did cause Tom took his hands away from my eyes "We will talk about this later" Maddie said, "Louis this is Jennifer Parker she is Tom's sister and Nathan's girlfriend" "Nice to meet you I'm Louis Tomlinson" Louis says "Liam" Niall says "What" a boy with brown hair says with a boy with black hair coming from the kitchen with him "I don't know well this is Jennifer Parker" Niall says pointing at me "I'm Liam Payne" the brown haired one says "I'm Zayn Malik" the other one says then something in my mind clicked they look really familiar then I remember that my roommate at school has posters of them "You lads are One Direction my friend is freaking in love with you guys" I say and Harry smiled what is up with him.

"So Jennifer how did you meet Nathan? cause he meets people in pretty weird places" Maddie said "Well I was home from school in America and Tom came back from tour and brought his lads and that's how I met Nathan" I said and Nathan put his arm around me "I don't meet people in weird places" Nathan said "Don't start with me Nathan James Sykes" she says "Don't start with me Madeline Chad Davidson" Nathan replies "Your real name is Madeline?" I ask "Yea but I go by Maddie nobody has called me Madeline since my friend died back in October" she said looking down I saw Niall get up and walk out of the room "Is he okay?" I whispered to Nathan "Her friend that died used to date Niall they sort of broke up after she died" Nathan whispered back "I'm sorry for bringing that up I didn't know" I said "It's okay I mean it's been awhile" she said I nod my head "Well does anyone want tea?" She ask changing the subject everyone raised there hand and got up "I will help you" I said getting up and walking into the kitchen with her "I'm sorry about Harry he is such a flirt I'm also sorry about Louis and I you probably were a little shocked" Maddie said "It's okay I mean Tom is the same way except he always takes my cereal" I said she laughed "Yea don't leave food around my cousin Niall he always eats and he will take it faster then you can say taco" she said I giggled "Did someone say taco" Harry said walking into the kitchen "Get out of here" Maddie says pushing Harry out.

When the tea is ready we fill ten cups for the ten lads and hand them to them I sit down beside Nathan and I see Harry looking at me Liam smacks Harry and whispered something in his ear he frowned and sipped his tea. When they were done sipping there tea I helped Maddie put them in the sink I was going to start washing them but she said that the boys would do that.

A couple hours later we ha to go back to Bolton so mum wouldn't freak out and she hasn't been home since yesterday I hope she's okay "Bye Jennifer" Maddie said hugging me I have gotten to know her and we exchanged numbers so that I can talk to her "Bye Maddie" I said "Come on Jennifer" Tom said he is so impatient "I'm coming" I yelled I said bye to the other lads and we got into the van an left "Do Maddie and Louis always fight like that?" I asked Nathan since he knows her the best he sighed "Yes they do but this time it wasn't as bad as it was last time last time she was like in a frozen state took her about four days to get out if it, and you can't forget the time that he hit her" he said "Wait Louis hit Maddie" Max,Siva,and I said at the same time "Yea didn't I tell you two that?" Nathan asked Siva and Max "No you didn't" Max said "Well I just did" Nathan said I laughed at his comment and fell asleep since I was tired.

"Jennifer love we are home" someone said shaking me I opened my eyes and it was Nathan I nodded my head and got out of the van "Jennifer come here you need to see this" Siva said I ran to the house I looked at the tv when I walked in and the news was on and it said.

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