Chapter 7

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The water is the same in both sides of the boat.

-Finnish Proverb

Chapter 7

"Jennifer are you okay?" Nathan said shaking me I opened my eyes and I was on the living room floor I looked at Tom and he was crying on the couch with his face in his hands "What happened?" I ask "You fainted after you found out that your mum died" he said so mum was dead what am I going to do I can't stay here by myself when I'm home from school and I go back in two weeks then I stay for about three then I'm out for a month "Where am I going to stay when I'm home from school?" I asked "You can stay at my flat with me or you can stay at Tom's" Nathan said I just stood there looking at the ground then the tears came over I felt Nathan hug me "I never thought my mum would die this way" I said threw my tears "It's okay" Nathan said trying to calm me down "I'm going to bed" I said "Okay goodnight love" he said kissing my forehead and stop hugging me I stood up and walked to my room.

When I got to my room I closed the door and put my pajamas on I just sat on my bed 'She's gone' I thought to myself "You okay Jennifer?" I heard Tom ask from my doorway I nodded he walked over to me and sat beside me "I know what your thinking where are you going to live when your home from school and I think that you can either live with Nathan at his flat or live with me at mine you can choose I don't care" he said "I guess I will go live with Nathan since if that's okay with you" I said "It's okay" he said, "goodnight Jennifer" Tom kissed my forehead and left my room turning the light off.

I laid down trying to go to sleep but I couldn't go to sleep knowing that my mum was gone "Jennifer you asleep?" Nathan asked coming in "No" I replied he laid down beside me he was on his side facing me and I was on my side facing him "I'm sorry about your mum" he said "It's okay" I said trying not to sound sad but that wasn't really convincing to Nathan so he pulled me into a hug and I felt safe in his arms then I finally fell asleep in his arms.

The next morning I woke up still in Nathan's arm of course he was still asleep I slipped out of his arms the other lads were asleep too and they probably need it especially Tom. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to fix breakfast for the lads I fixed bacon and eggs since that's all I can cook.

When I finished cooking the bacon and eggs I placed them on a plate then walked into the living room. I was standing behind the couch when someone puts there arm around my throat and holds a gun to my face "Hello love" they said I remember that voice from anywhere it was Carl my mums ex husband he used to abuse me so she divorced him "What do you want Carl?" I asked "You and your brother dead since I already killed your mum know I'm going to kill you right in front of him then I'll kill him so is he here? Don't lie to me or I will kill you right now" he said "Him and his mates are hear" I barely got out cause his grip was hard around my throat "Yell for him and his mates to come down here now" he said "Tom,Max,Siva,Jay,and Nathan can you come down here please" I whispered the last part they cams downstairs and there eyes few wide when they saw Carl "Carl what are you doing here?" Tom asked "I'm here to kill you and your sister since I already killed your mum" he said with a smirk "You killed mum" Tom said getting angry "Yes and know I'm going to kill Jennifer here right in front of you and your mates" Carl said "Wait don't kill her kill me" Nathan said "Nathan don't do this" I barely said cause of his grip "Shut up you know I never really liked you or Tom ever since I married your mum" he said holding the gun up to my head I prayed to god that he wouldn't pull the trigger and end my life I mean I'm to young to die "Don't come any closer or I shoot you" Carl said pointing the gun at the lads I close my eyes waiting to die. I hear the gun go off but I'm not dead I open my eyes and Nathan is on the ground he looks like he was shot in the stomach "Nathan" I screamed and started crying "Stop crying" Carl said I saw Siva trying to help Nathan but I didn't see Jay or Max all I see is Tom,Nathan,and Siva "Where is Max and Jay" I mouthed to Tom "Behind you" he mouthed back I heard a loud bang and Carl falls to the ground I fall to the ground also gasping for air when air gets back to my lungs I run over to Nathan "Your going to be alright Nathan" I said holding his hand and crying "It's okay Jennifer" he said with a couple of tears in his eyes "I can't loose you too" I said "I called the ambulance they should be here shortly I knew that the ambulance would be here shorty since the hospital is on the next street. When the ambulance got here they pulled me away from Nathan "I love you" he mouthed "I love you too" I mouthed back and saw a faint smile on his face. I sat there crying while they took him away "It's okay Jennifer he will be okay" Jay said hugging me "Nathan is a fighter he will make it threw it" Max said but I still sat there crying "Where's Tom?" I asked "Him and Siva went to the hospital with Nathan" Jay replied I heard someone move I looked up and Carl who was still there was starting to move "Um lads" I said pointing to Carl they looked wide eyed and Max quickly grabbed me and ran into my room he sat me on the bed and Jay ran in closing the door and locking the door behind him "Open the door you brat" Carl said banging on the door "What are we going to do?" I asked "Lets call the po po" Jay said "Who are the po po?" I asked "It's what Americans call the police" he said "O" I said "I left my phone in my room" Max said "Me too" Jay said "But Nathan didn't" I said grabbing his phone off the bedside table I gave it to Jay and he called the police "Yea a man has trapped us in our house and is trying to kill my mate and his sister he already shot my other mate" Jay said into the phone "What are they saying?" I asked "She said that they are on there way and then hung up on me she don't have to be rude" he replied "Open the damn door" Carl yelled hitting the door with something "No" Jay said laughing "Jay this is not the time to joke" Max said "Freeze don't move" someone said from behind the door we just stood there and heard tussling from the other side "You kids okay?" Someone said "Yea were fine" I said Jay unlocked the door and the police was taking Carl away "I have to go see Nathan" I said running out if the house and into my car.

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