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"congratulations to our jaeguns! he's getting fucking hitched in a couple of weeks! woooh!!!"

jaehyun smirked and raised his glass of scotch whisky. he drank with his boys and after that, he drank even more.

he didn't really want a bachelor party in the first place, so now that he was there, he didn't exactly know what to do. he didn't feel like the celebrant with all his friends who partied like complete animals.

so much for throwing me a party. he sighed at the thought. but seeing his friends lose their stress with a party held for him made him smile as well.

he just stood by the center of the bar counter wearing a plastic gold crown and sipping on his green label.

with the number of glasses he's been sipping on, it was safe to say he's getting drunk. he was giggling at his friends and the whole place was turning around--or as his eyes made it seem like it. he didn't care though. he just decided to party his ass out until he passes out.

"dude, slow down. we have another surprise for you." one of his friends say.

he knew what it is. although it wasn't really a surprise, he just nodded along and smiled. he finished his glass before pouring more.

"alright! let's get this shit spiced up, hey bachelor!" jaehyun turned around to see his best man calling him. he was pulled by his groomsmen and pushed roughly on the couch.

there was a huge, life-sized gift box right in front of him. it was pretty obvious how the whole thing works and so he just waited for everything to happen.

"this one's for you, man!"

the box open and revealed a man with cotton candy hair dressed like an actual gift. he has a ribbon all around his body and a vest that looked like a tux to top it. there was also panties and stockings covering him. and on top of everything, there was a fairly large red ribbon tied around his neck.

he was a rather gorgeous stripper, to say. but he seemed all too familiar.

the stripper looked at him intently and his heart started pounding.

as they stared at each other, the noise around them from different guys cheering like animals suddenly started to fade away. all they saw was the other and everything around them was already blurring out.

oh good god. they both thought. but their moment was cut off as they both realized what situation they were in. right, he needed to strip for the bachelor.

he started walking sensually towards the bachelor. the screams and cheering became even louder and his boys were already rambunctious.

i'm just a bachelor
i'm looking for a partner
someone who knows how to ride
without even falling off

his hips were swaying perfectly. he has the most perfect curves and his much too tight costumes helped. it would also help if they were now off.

jaehyun wanted to strip the stripper off his vest but he shouldn't touch him. it was obvious to his look and so the stripper did himself. his slender fingers fumbled with his own buttons before completely ripping it off.

gotta be compatible
takes me to my limits
girl when i break you off
i promise that you won't want to get off

the way he took his vest off sliding down his arms was sending the rest of the boys to the edge. he threw the vest somewhere and quickly heard the bickering of the boys to try and have it for themselves.

they were going crazy for him, just for him. he was that gorgeous.

jaehyun's best man of course had his own stripper. although the party didn't focus on him and his boyfriend, they didn't mind them and instead had a little fun of their own.

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