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maybe it's all true. he doesn't want to believe it but he has to know the truth coming out of their own mouths. he has to atleast know that it came from them and no one else.

it's funny, jungwoo wasn't even supposed to come home in another two weeks or maybe even a month. it was all rushed after he had a fight with a sibling and a few other cousins. then he went back to tell jaehyun everything, but instead, he finds a stripper's underwear and he's about to bust them for it.

perhaps, it's the argument that brought him there. maybe, it was meant to happen. maybe, it's destiny.

taeyong still doesn't know he's back from gunpo and so he decided to see him. taeyong didn't get any message, and so he was surprised to see jungwoo waiting outside his building.

"jungwoo." taeyong said eyes wide out of shock. he didn't think he's expect him in this day. "what are you doing here? i thought you're not coming back for a couple weeks."

"uh yeah..." he started, looking down. "well i'm here now." he couldn't really stomach seeing taeyong. the assumptions inside his head got the best of him and now, the innocent guy he once knew was now a snake to his eyes.

"oh. what are you doing here, again? i mean do you need something? i was going to follow you in gunpo by the end of the week, right?" taeyong said, walking closer.

"yeah. some issues, had to come back early. so, you don't need to go there." jungwoo inhaled and exhaled as he continues to look down. "actually, i came by to ask if we can have dinner together."

a few seconds of silence took over taeyong. he found it weird in some way but he brought his raised brow back down. "o-okay, sure. you could've just texted me or something." he chuckled.

"right." jungwoo said. "yes, but i passed by your building and my phone's got no charge."

"it's okay. i'm actually going to meet someone for lunch. why don't you send me the deets and i'll meet you at dinner?" taeyong waved his phone looking like he was in a hurry. "sound good?"

"yeah, of course! i'll see you later."

meeting with your friend's fiance for sex might be the worst thing ever. but at least now, they're not as awkward as before. they already hung out alone so it wasn't weird anymore.

but this is not just hanging out. for once, they don't really feel about anything that's about to happen. they didn't think about jungwoo, only themselves--tangled in sheets, excessive sweating, and hot breaths.

they didn't care about anything outside of the room. they were on their own little world. "god, you're so tight." jaehyun whispered next to taeyong's lips.

i owe this to myself. taeyong thought. maybe this last time isn't gonna be so bad.

he shrugged all thoughts away and took in the presence of the man in front of him. his face was heavenly--lips parted, lip biting, creased forehead. he bounced harder than before. so hard and fast that jaehyun's hips were forced down on the mattress.

"just a few more, baby." jaehyun panted slowly feeling his nearing end. "shit jaehyun." the other man whispered going in for a sloppy kiss.

"you're close? yeah?" taeyong only nodded not finding words to voice out. "then go harder, babe. let's cum together."

the hands both planted on taeyong's waist were forcing his hips down hard on jaehyun's. taeyong doesn't know if he's ever been this rough before. when was the last time i had sex with jaehyun?

clearly, it was years back before he left for paris. he hasn't had sex in so long because jaehyun was his second to last. jaehyun was the best sex he's ever had and no one could ever top that, like that one french guy he had sex with in the bar. sure, some could be as good as him, but only jaehyun can give him the utmost pleasure combined with different emotions. mainly, because back then they were in love.

taeyong's hips slowed down and skin slapping sounds were lessened. "ugh jae~" and they both came.

taeyong's hands and thighs were shaking against jaehyun's chest and waist so he took out his cock from where it was buried and helped taeyong lay down beside him. jaehyun took out tissues and wiped their bodies.

a moment of silence was enough to calm them down from their extreme intercourse. too calm that they were cuddling on the bed--something unlikely to happen for exes who have sex.

jaehyun sighed looking at the ceiling as his fingers unconsciously tap on taeyong's shoulder. somehow, it didn't weird taeyong out because jaehyun used to do it before as well. meanwhile, taeyong's fingers unconsciously rub on jaehyun's side as his head rests serene on jaehyun's chest.

"jae..." taeyong started. "hmm, yeah?"

"why are you doing this?"

why exactly? even jaehyun couldn't speak for it. he doesn't want to say it because it's bad as it is. "and don't give me that 'i miss you' crap." taeyong added. okay, i won't. jaehyun thought.

jaehyun sighed one more time before answering. "i... don't know." taeyong gave him a look telling him to speak the truth. maybe telling taeyong isn't that bad. "it's just, sex."

taeyong's brows suddenly moved. "jungwoo is great. he's a good man, a good boyfriend. heck, he's a good person overall. that's why we're getting married. because i know he'd be a good husband."

and taeyong felt that these sentences comes with a 'but'. "but?" he spoke.

"but sex with him is not as good with you."

maybe it's a huge sin to even think it, but it's no lie for jaehyun that whenever he had sex with jungwoo, it's always taeyong on his mind. he was so hung up on taeyong when the break up was still fresh that he had sex with a stranger in the bar--that stranger just happens to be jungwoo.

then feelings evolved, until he realized he's not happy with the sex. he was just distracted. jungwoo was a major distraction that he actually believed he's moved on. and he believed that until now. one of the reasons he's marrying jungwoo.

"when i'm with him on the bed, it's not the same. it's all empty." jaehyun said. "like i was having sex with a sex worker--i don't feel anything. but then i saw you in my bachelor party." jaehyun took the chance to sneak a glance. "i suddenly felt like having sex with you that time. but then i missed it so i went in for another one today."

he just couldn't say that taeyong is the best sex he's had in his entire life. if he says that, it might mess taeyong up. and so he just decided to have sex with him to hint whatever he was trying to say. "i don't know how long it could go on. but since the wedding is postponed, i have a chance to make up for the years of sex i was unsatisfied."

he rubbed on tayeong's skin. "what about you?" he said. "huh?" taeyong asked unattentively.

"why are you doing this?"

taeyong decided not to speak and he pursed his lips. instead, he sat up and hovered over jaehyun for a round 2.

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