. f o u r t e e n .

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weeks turned to months and months had gone by but jaehyun still doesn't know that jungwoo knows. he hasn't told jungwoo anything and the secret was buried deep in is thoughts only johnny could talk to him about. he didn't plan on telling jungwoo anything and that's how bad he wanted to leave his life for taeyong in a snap.

jaehyun was wrong. he's been wrong for years. it was wrong of him to give taeyong an ultimatum, to make taeyong choose, it was wrong of him to not trust and support taeyong in their relationship. now, he's getting married and he's been drowning in deep regrets eversince.

jungwoo will be a good husband. but he's just not the one.

why does he think jungwoo wasn't that good in bed? because taeyong was on his mind. and why was taeyong on his mind all the time? because he felt sorry for how he acted in the past.

would people think he's still hung up on taeyong after all these years of having jungwoo? to people's perspective, that would mean a yes. for some, it could be a no. it felt like as if a lifetime was passing by when he dated jungwoo.

when he broke up with taeyong, he admitted to himself he was using jungwoo as a rebound. turns out, he forgot that he was using jungwoo which lead him to marrying him now.

in layman's terms, the rebound worked. taeyong was out of his mind and he was replaced by jungwoo.

he felt like jungwoo is now the one. it felt like it.

and now, he looked at himself in the mirror--judging his own self. is this it? he asks. am i making the right decision? there was no answer to that. or maybe there was, he just doesn't know what it is.

the stylist carefully applied make up for retouches, suit was being straightened out, they were very careful with him and treated him like he was the next groom of the century. he looked heavenly. his face was out of this world.

when people look at him, it's like he's the most perfect person that everything around him was beautiful, that all is good.

but it's not good. it will never be now. someday he hoped.

this face. he thought looking at himself intently. this body. inside his head everything was the opposite. everything is not good, everything is not beautiful. it was horrible. this man. he should be cursed. he should be punished till he drops.

he was downright mad. not to anyone but himself. he was so mad at himself he could cry right now. his face doesn't show it but he eyes were filled with hatred--they were burning.

a burst through the door broke his long long train of thoughts. "whoa! jungwoo, you're not supposed to be here. ten's gonna murder you." johnny stood up and chuckled trying to get in his way just to not see the other groom.

"johnny, please... spare me the bullshit right now, i need to talk to jaehyun." he said sternly, face expressionless.

johnny looked back to see jaehyun then back at jungwoo. in defeat, he sighed and rolled his eyes with a playful smile bringing the rest of the stylists with him out the door. "alright, i'll try to keep ten out."

when they were gone, jungwoo stepped closer and looked at his fiance's eyes. if jaehyun's eyes were filled with anger, his own was filled with despair and probably regret of what he was about to do.

"jaehyun, i know." he said.

the man only looked at him with confusion that only his eyes spoke. "i know what happened. taeyong told me the truth."

inside jaehyun, he was surprised to hear what his fiance just said. but a part of him actually expected the half of it. it's definitely going to come bit him in the ass, he just didn't know it'd be this soon.

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