. t w e l v e .

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since taeyong was preparing to leave, he got himself ready. he was ready to face the wrath of jungwoo's friends, he even prepared himself to see his apartment burning down. of course, that didn't happen. but it was pretty clear that everyone cut ties with him. they didn't message him anymore, they didn't call. only johnny who gave him instructions for his next job, and of course, jaehyun.

he didn't pick up any of his calls or responded to any of his messages because he was afraid jungwoo would see it. it's bad enough that his panties were found in jaehyun's drawer, he shouldn't really be talking to jaehyun anymore. he'd just be gone and jaehyun won't even know why.

stupid jaehyun. he thought. who would keep the panties of a stripper? what a fucking asshole.

it's only been a few days but he already bought a plane ticket going to paris. he also decided to visit his grandmother and repay her for the money he stole a few years back.

he inhaled sharply as he looked over the huge house that belonged to his grandmother. it's been a while since he's been here. he hasn't stepped in the huge house since he left. will nanny kick me out if she sees me? he thought.

suddenly, his eyes started watering. he missed the place where he used to play with his cousins back when he was young. it was this place. he missed his memories with his grandmother in this very same house.

he pressed the doorbell and guards came out recognizing him. "oh, taeyong! you've grown so much." one man said. taeyong lightly chuckled and smiled. "it's been a while since i last saw you, mr. nam. is nanny here?" he asked.

"yes. go in. you haven't visited this place anymore, she surely misses you."

he entered the gates and walked going to the huge house.  his hands were shaking as he walked but he couldn't help it. he was really nervous meeting his grandmother. he reached the house and maids opened the door for him.

he was directed to the his grandmother's room since he was so used to the place before. he was only about to knock on the wooden door when the said door opened and revealed his grandmother.



no words were exchanged, only his grandmother finally smiling at him. ahh finally. his grandmother thought. he was taken to the living room to talk and have tea.

when they were settled, it was taeyong who initiated to talk first.

"nanny, i'm here to pay you back for the money i stole from you." he spoke. he only looked down and chose not to show his face.

his grandmother placed the cup of tea back on the table and glanced back at him. "are you gonna tell me now why you did it?" she said. taeyong pursed his lips and exhaled.

"i'm sorry, nanny." his lips started quivering in fright but he chose to continue explaining. "when i was accepted in paris, jaehyun wasn't happy." he started.

"he didn't want me to go so he took the plane ticket and ruined it." he couldn't understand why he was tearing up when he's telling the story to his grandmother but he didn't tear up when it was johnny listening. "but it was a huge opportunity for me, i still wanted to go. that's why i stole money from you to buy myself a plane ticket going to paris."

"nanny, i'm sorry." he sniffled and wiped a tear.

taeyong's grandmother could only watch in gloom as his grandson cried in front of her. obviously, she had no idea. all taeyong told her about jaehyun was joyous stuff and happiness whenever he was with him.

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