. s i x t e e n . - . e n d .

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10 months. and no, he didn't let him off that easy. but he was happy, though. happy that jaehyun is changing and ready to ask forgiveness from the people he hurt.

months ago, he promised taeyong he'd change. that he'd make up for all the terrible things he'd done. and to start that, an apology is a way to do it. taeyong told him that they can't be together again if things aren't okay with everyone.

and he did change. he wasn't the man he was like before. he's grown, he's proved himself worthy of taeyong's love again.

he stayed with taeyong in paris and has been flying in and out of the country to fix his leave in his dad's real estate company. again, he swore he'd never use his father's power for his benefit but he did it again just so he could stay with taeyong.

when they came back to each other, it was like picking up where they left off. except for when they had to break up and all the drama, but maybe in the days when taeyong and jaehyun haven't had problems yet.

though they're together again, they're not totally together with a label. as taeyong promised, things are still not clear as daylight between them. they still have a lot to fix not only with their friends but within themselves.

for almost two years. taeyong hasn't seen his friends in seoul. the only friends he considered. he hasn't heard from them as well aside from johnny from time to time. he was sad he couldn't reach out to them. not even ten who was his friend before he went back to seoul. well, especially not ten who happens to be the most vicious.

but now, he's ready to face them. ready to finally see them and make up for the past. anything he needs to do just to be deserving of their forgiveness, he'd do it.

on his seat, he shifted as if there was something in his ass. anticipating his landing to see his family and friends makes him wanna puke his guts out right in his business class seat next to jaehyun.

a gentle grip in his right hand cut him out of his trance. "are you nervous?"

he looked at the man and exhaled. "it's my first time seeing them again after a while." he whispered leaning close.

"let's hope for the best." a dimpled smile came to his sight that somehow lightened his mood. jaehyun brought his hand up and kissed it making his heart flutter.

a few hours of sleeping later, jaehyun woke him up with a slight kiss on his temple saying that they have landed.

jaehyun helped him gather his things and his own stuff as well. taeyong stretched his limbs as he stood up to walk out. they were the last to exit the plane and every step out of the plane made him want to run back and fly to paris.

jaehyun grabbed his free hand and rubbed on his skin to help him calm down. "welcome to seoul. hope you had a nice flight." the flight attendant said with a smile and immediately, taeyong gasped inwardly as he heard he's finally in seoul.

"everything's going to be okay, honey." jaehyun whispered next to taeyong and sent him a kiss on the head before going out of the plane.

night came and jaehyun contacted johnny to arrange a gathering between his friends. taeyong and jaehyun hasn't seen them in more than a year and they were both nervous as hell.

johnny tried hard to get their friends to meet them but only a few showed up plus johnny himself. they understand how much damage hey have done to them but what's important is the only man they wished to show up.

jungwoo did. he showed up, he looked like he was ready to talk.

for someone like ten, really vicious and snobby at times, it's hard to make him soft because he only goes soft for johnny and that is only sometimes. it's not even all the time because he's always the boss.

since ten wasn't there to see them, it made things a little easier for jaehyun and taeyong so they can dodge the nagging from ten.

looking at jungwoo now, taeyong can't help but feel shy and embarrassed. reminiscing how much he hurt jungwoo before, his actions were definitely unforgivable.

but jungwoo can never be evil even just for a little bit. he's the nicest guy ever that he'll always forgive.

"guys, why don't we leave them for a while?" johnny asked and lead kun and winwin out of the restaurant private room.

once they were out, it was only them three.

the two didn't expect it but jungwoo gave out a smile. "you look good together." he said with a genuine smile.

jaehyun and taeyong widened their eyes looking at him. "are you not mad?" taeyong asked.

"maybe i still am." the soft boy said truthfully. "but i forgave you. a long time ago."

"what you did to me was so wrong, even our friends didn't talk to you after that. but i just can't hold a grudge for so long. and anyway, past is past, there's no way i can change it now."

"still..." taeyong started. "i still want to say sorry for what i did. you're not supposed to forgive me but you did. thank you for that." jungwoo smiled and asked for his hand.

"it's gonna take me a while before we can totally be friends again. let me move on for a while before we pick up where we left off. okay?" he said squeezing his hand on the table.

"and for you jaehyun. my feelings for you a slowly getting shallow. maybe after a few more and i can finally get over you. i'll love someone else again and we could all be happy." he smiled once more.

jungwoo, how are you such an angel? they both thought inside their heads.

"we can get in touch. just not always, maybe. we still gotta have some boundaries. and anyway, i'm seeing this new guy now, maybe he can help me get over you, jaehyun." a new guy?

jaehyun couldn't be happier. all is well, he can finally be with taeyong and jungwoo found a new guy now.

"i hope he makes you happy, jungwoo. all i want is your happiness, really." taeyong said. "and this new guy you're seeing? do we know him or...?"

"maybe." jungwoo smiled happily with sparkles in his eyes. "i met him in hong kong, he's a director. my book is going to be movie and he's directing it so we got to hang. perhaps you've heard his name before? director lucas wong?"

jaehyun looked at taeyong and chuckled. wow, jungwoo snatched a real daddy.

"that's one of the highest paid directors in asia. i'm so happy for you, jungwoo." jaehyun and taeyong gave him a hug as they stood up. "i hope he makes you happy this time." taeyong whispered next to his ear and jungwoo hugged him tighter.

"i do hope so too." he said and another sparkle in his eyes were seen. "now, you have to apologize to the rest of our friends. they missed you even if you never got to talk again."

with a smile on their faces, everything was good again. they both can't believe it, and jaehyun personally can't believe the time has come. him and taeyong are going to be together, finally. and all because jungwoo is such a wonderful angel.

(A/N: ok so this story was a product of my boredom in this pandemic. i started writing this in 2020 but then i left it to create another then i came back and tried to finish it. it started out as a bachelor who had his ex as the stripper for his party, supposed to be a one shot tho, then i started building up the plot adding different scenes to create a whole story that has a beginning and an ending. i revised it a lot too, changed concepts, characters and ended up like this.

but you know i had to give jungwoo a partner in the end, i'm gonna let him without one when this story ends

so thank you for reaching this part and reading the story, i hope u liked it as much as i loved writing it. i'll try to create more stories to publish for you guys since it's what i do anyway. but i'm nearing my young adult years so this is going to be a little tougher now. anyway i love you guys, thanks so much for reading! see u in the next books!)

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