. t h r e e .

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"oh crap."

he didn't understand why he agreed to do it. was it his voice that lured him in? his words? his aura was definitely one of the factors. he says inside his head. whatever it is that tipped him over the edge, the aftermath was absolutely amazing for the both of them.

maybe one last time won't hurt. he thinks. no one will know.

he has become an outright sinner. but his feelings and emotions were getting in the way. who could resist a jung jaehyun?

the bed was creaking and breaths were hot. taeyong was bouncing on the dick that was once his. he once owned it, he owned him. now he's bouncing on a dick claimed by someone else and no longer his. it was just plain wrong.

jaehyun had his hands wandering from his waist to his legs. he played with the hem of his sheer stockings. "baby, you're so good. you feel so good."

taeyong's hands rested on the bachelor's toned white chest. his eyes were rolling back and his head threw back along with it. his fingers flexed and pressed firmly on the other's skin digging his nails in.

jaehyun's hands were gripping even tighter as well and bruising taeyong's thighs in the process. he couldn't take it and so he forced taeyong down the mattress and he hovered to switch.

taeyong's legs were wrapped securely around his torso and both hands were pinned using jaehyun's one. while the other was securely wrapped around his neck as if choking him.

oh how he distinctly remember how the other had a choking kink.

they say i did something bad
then why's it feel so good?

jaehyun thrusted in with all his might. their moans were being silenced by sloppy kisses to not attract the guests. he pushed in and out feeling the heavenly walls encircling his monstrous cock.

lips were being bitten and taeyong breathed out. his hair was sticking from the thin layer of sweat covering his forehead.

they say i did something bad
but why's it feel so good?

in his mind, his thoughts were splitting in two different issues. it was like his brain splitting into two as well. he thought of how perfect the sex is. truly, it was the most perfect sex he's ever experienced in his whole entire life. he hasn't felt like it with anyone else. only taeyong.

but how was he going to go the next day? how was he going to exit the room, drive back to jungwoo without feeling the guilt eat him up?

in every possible angle, what he's doing at the moment was a complete mistake.

most fun i ever had

but it feels so good that he could do it all day. he'd do it endlessly.

and i'd do it over and over and over again if i could

the feeling has been gone for so long that he's actually to subsume it before it's long gone once again.

it just felt so good, good

sex with jungwoo wasn't as good as taeyong's. now, he felt even more guilt creeping up his entire system. jungwoo doesn't deserve this. he thinks. 

but this is taeyong. god, taeyong's here. he's with him, right now, having sex. submitting himself willingly like he did before they parted ways.

"oh god~" taeyong let out next to jaehyun's lips.

his dick was slapping repeatedly on his stomach and it was tingling. his toes were curling so much that it was close to his bones breaking. if they even could.

jaehyun hit his prostate over and over it was literally so hard for him not to moan out loud. he was keeping it all in and the only time he could let it out was when jaehyun offers his mouth for him to scream in.

oh, you say i did something bad
(you say i did something bad?)

being with taeyong granted him the bliss he's been missing. but it doesn't give him the assent to push his boyfriend aside to fuck with his ex.

why's it feel so good?


taeyong woke up to sunlight shining to his direction. he felt exhausted. like he's been riding a horse all day the day before. it's been a while since his ass hurt that much.

he sat up from an unfamiliar bed and he noticed he was naked. other than the ribbon hanging loose by his neck, nothing covered his body but the thick white layer pooling by his feet.

he turned back and jaehyun was there. ah of course. he already knew what happened. he remembered it all correctly. he slept with an engaged man who just happened to be his ex.

as he admired the soft features the bachelor had, those lids slowly opened and fluttered. and then their eyes met.

what a way to wake up. they both thought at the same time. he'd give anything to wake up like this again.

taeyong sighed before getting up from the bed. "we have to leave, jaehyun. no one can know about this." he spoke softly.

taeyong seemed like he wanted to leave as quick as he can. he didn't bother putting on underwear as he slipped in his pants and sweater. the face of his ex didn't help with his headache. he wanted him gone, he wanted him out of his sight. he was so determined to not see any more of him for the day.

"if ten asks, tell him you don't know my name and that i left the night before." taeyong took the underwear he wore the night before and mindlessly shoved it in his pocket hanging loose.

he's really gonna leave me like this huh? jaehyun thought.

he was quick. he got dressed so fast and was already ready to leave in a matter of minutes. jaehyun just laid there and watched the man got ready in a hurry.

he didn't speak a word and just pressed his lips in a thin line. taeyong didn't even spare one last glance before he opened the door and left.

he thanked every god that the room he was in was a separate room next to the suite they had the party.

originally, ten and his strippers for the night took the next hotel room next to the suite to change into costumes for the party. it was already paid so he was also thankful that he wouldn't owe jaehyun or ten anything anymore.

jaehyun sighed big and decided to get up the bed. he sat for a good minute and shut his eyes trying to get used to the light coming from the windows. he finally stood up and wore his boxers and pants laying down the ground.

he didn't mind the numerous clothes scattered around because he knew some of them are owned by ten's friends who danced for his party. there was a red thick ribbon laying on the bed and it was obvious taeyong took his off before he left.

he started walking around the bed trying to reach the bathroom and wash his face at the least to stay awake. walking groggily, he stepped on a fabric.

he looked down it was lavender. lavender lace.

taeyong dropped his panties trying to get out of the room quickly. he didn't even notice it fall off from his pockets since it hung loose due to his haste.

jaehyun picked the fabric up and observed it for a bit. he blinked and sighed before deciding to keep it for himself, shoving it his pockets before going straight to the bathroom.

(A/N: whoops forgot to update lols ;( )

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