. s e v e n .

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meeting his mom was like seeing his best friend after a decade. his mom was already like his best friend. well at least second to that. he and his mom, along with his real best friend used to hang out all the time. to say, taeyong almost forgot that he has a best friend waiting for him. and by best friend, he meant his canadian cousin.

he was laying across his spacious bed and staring up at the ceiling wondering what the hell happened to his life. when his mom first saw him at the gates, she came running for him. he waited until sleeping time so he could tell her everything that's been happening to him but it seemed like she was busy after dinner. they haven't talked properly in so long because of work so it kinda bummed him out.

it was a good thing he was tossing and turning across his bed and wasn't drifting to sleep anytime soon because his mom just came into the door.

"hey honey, i hoped you weren't asleep yet because we have a lot to talk about." his mother said holding a bowl of green tea ice cream. she sat on taeyong's bed and handed him the ice cream.

taeyong finally sat up and smiled at his mother's gestures. "thanks mom." he said.

no, taeyong wasn't about to tell her things happening from work. he's been telling her that from video calls and messages every night. actually, they don't have a lot to talk about. it just seemed like it because they haven't seen each other in so long. but truth is, taeyong has told his mother everything happening in france already.

the only thing his mother was anticipating was his love life.

as much as they talk every night when he was back in europe, he didn't really tell her anything about his love life. no cute boys talk, no bumping in the coffee shop, no love happening in the office. probably because there was really no one. no one after jaehyun.

"so?" his mom started. "aren't you gonna tell me anything?"

"what is there to tell?" taeyong said taking a spoonful of his ice cream straight to his mouth. "oh come on now taeyongie, we haven't seen each other in so long." his mother said slapping his leg covered in layers. taeyong whined softly and gave a glare.

"i told you everything every night. what do you want to know anyway?" he asks. "well, is there any cute boys in the office yet? you never talk about that." his mom answers.

taeyong then rolls his eyes. of course. he thinks. "no mom. there weren't cute boys in the office."

"don't give me a load of crap. you were in paris for goodness' sake! it's freaking paris, france! it's a city of hot and cute guys!"

well, that is true. but taeyong never really had an eye for anyone. his sole focus since he landed his feet on french concrete was fashion school and his job. "why do you like cute guys so much? i'll tell you on dad." he sassed.

"aish you bad kid! the cute guys aren't for me, jackass, of course they're for you. it's been so long since you broke up with jaehyun, i'm just looking out for you because i don't want you to be sad anymore." she says.

and that, he hasn't told his mom yet. perhaps he forgot anything that happened when he landed in seoul. "that's your thinking face. what are you thinking about? did something happen?"

he looked at his mom straight in the eye and stopped shoving ice cream in his mouth. "i met jaehyun."

his mom suddenly fell quiet. she knew she was supposed to be avoiding jaehyun but she didn't even realize she's already mentioned him. a mental slap on the face. "what happened?" she asks gently.

"i met ten's friends and..." he sighs before continuing. "he's one of his friends."

his mom furrowed her eyebrows and started thinking. she tilted her head and looked directly at taeyong's eyes. "why do i feel like that's not the only thing that happened?"

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