. f o u r .

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a week later, ten convinced his boyfriend and the rest of their friends to have breakfast all together. he wanted to introduce a very close friend to him and make him part of his circle that included jungwoo and jaehyun.

it was pretty obvious who it was.

but neither of them knew who the guy was. he was just invited to breakfast and he agreed.

"yongie! over here!" ten yelled from a distance as soon as taeyong opened the glass doors. ten stood up and met him halfway before going in for a hug. "so glad you could make it. come, i'm gonna introduce you to my friends."

ten was quite friendly and so one would immediately think he had a huge circle. but he only has a fair amount of people inside his known circle. ten's friends consists of american, korean, and chinese men all who studied and is speaking korean.

"guys! this is taeyong. i met him in fashion school after college in paris." ten said cheerfully.

"taeyong? where have i heard that name before?" jungwoo suddenly thought. ten rolled his eyes sat taeyong on the seat next to his. "duh! he's the guy i talked to you about. the stripper i hired for jaehyun's bachelor party."

"right! hi taeyong, i'm jungwoo, jaehyun's fiance. thanks, by the way, for wiggling your ass on my boyfriend's face." jungwoo offered his hand and taeyong nervously shook it. "don't be so tense. don't worry about it, it's cool with me. i was actually the one who told ten to hire someone he knows instead of an actual stripper from a club. it's very nice to meet you."

taeyong smiled. he looked around until he spot that very familiar face beside the man he just met. "taeyong, these are doyoung, and this is johnny, my boyfriend. that's kun beside you and winwin, and the man you stripped for, jaehyun." ten said as he pointed at different people surrounding the table.

he just bowed lightly and smiled at them. "why is he so quiet?" doyoung asks.

"he gets shy around new people." ten answered before giving taeyong his own plate of breakfast food.

"so taeyong," johnny started. "i heard you agreed to dance for the party because you owed ten something?" he said before taking a bite of his waffles.

"yeah. before ten left paris, he helped me enter the company i work in now because he has connections inside." taeyong finally spoke.

"not only that. i covered for you everytime you were late for classes which turns out because he was crying all night before going to sleep." ten rolled his eyes with a playful smile. "crying of what?"

taeyong quickly spun his head as he heard jaehyun ask. "oh i tend to watch dramas before going to bed to help me doze off but i always end up crying for them." he says. you should know, you used to watch with me. he said sarcastically inside his head.

it took them an hour for taeyong to know each and every one inside ten's circle.

taeyong was sure he was going to be really close with his new found friends. especially the doyoung guy who gave off the same vibes as him.

if it wasn't only for jaehyun, he would've been already close with all of them. he was friendly as it is but with jaehyun in that same circle, he felt like he was one reason holding him back. it was awkward being friends with your ex's friends especially when you didn't end up on good terms and he's keeping an eye on you.

when taeyong left and parted ways with them, he wandered around the streets of seoul. maybe you're wondering why he was in seoul, well taeyong doesn't know too.

he's been travelling around and then he ended up back in his hometown. he came from paris and took a leave for some reason he couldn't also figure out. something inside him says he should go back and he did.

he doesn't know when he's going back and he didn't really wanna know while he's still in korea.

he entered the familiar glass doors of some boutique and decided to go shopping by himself to kill some time. he sighed before looking around. he stopped by the first rack of jackets he saw and started to do his magic skill of evaluating which would look good on him.

he was on his third rack of clothes and his arm already carried 4 different hangers of 4 different clothes. "mm, i wouldn't pick that if i were you."

suddenly, he heard a voice from behind him. he turned to look and it was johnny approaching him with his own shopping bag of clothes and an empty bag on the other hand. he seemed to be shopping as well.

johnny handed him the empty bag and went to that same rack as well. he picked out a jacket and showed taeyong. "now, this would look better."

johnny opened the empty bag and started shoving taeyong's picked clothes inside. to say that taeyong was weirded out was an understatement. they just met, really. about a couple hours earlier.


"you're shopping in my boutique, i know what's good and what's not." johnny answered as they continued walking around. his boutique? as in brand? "this--this is your boutique?"

"the name says it. wasn't it familiar to you?" johnny answered with a smile.

"so gianni. yeah it sounds like the brand i work for." taeyong spoke to himself trying to figure everything out. "because it is the brand you work for. i can't believe you only figured that out now."

taeyong didn't speak, he couldn't believe he's talking to the owner? he only worked in paris, of course he wouldn't meet him there.

"how did you think ten got you that position?" johnny asked as before stopping by a rack. "i was the connection. the son of the owner. "

"wow everything's so weird." taeyong said while staring at the one piece of clothing. "i thought this originated in paris?"

"it did not." johnny answered walking away from the rack. "mom and dad met in italy so they took a derived form of my name in italian and created the brand here in seoul. basically, this brand was named after me."

"that's so cool, so you already have stores worldwide?" taeyong asked shocked. "shouldn't you know that? you work there." johnny answered.

taeyong just shut up and didn't speak since he was already shy. "another reason i approached you here is because i need to talk to you about jaehyun."

jaehyun? he thought. what could he possibly know about me and jaehyun? we just met.

"i saw what happened during the night of his bachelor party."

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