. t h i r t e e n .

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he could tell it was morning but the sun was barely up yet. waking up like that brought his heart to go completely nuts. maybe it was breaking already at the sight of the white sheets that pooled by his tangled feet. maybe this wasn't the ideal way to wake up next to his ex. but deep inside, he wished to wake up next to him every single day for the rest of his life.

jaehyun, you're getting married. his conscience reminded.

but he didn't care. just the night before, he already said that he was ready to leave everything behind for him. where did that even come from? his thoughts rambled.

it came from nowhere. which means, he really meant it. that's jaehyun.

maybe after all this time, it wasn't really jungwoo. maybe after all this time, it's still taeyong and no one else. but how was he going to make it right now? his thoughts were scattered, the love of his life was nowhere to be found.

taeyong left him again.

what was he going to do? he's getting married to the most perfect human on earth and he had the gut to cheat on him using his ex? but what was he supposed to do anyway, taeyong was already back. and so he just grabbed the chance.

maybe he shouldn't have. even if he hasn't told jungwoo, it's still wrong.

speaking his mind the night before didn't feel wrong, however. how could i mean that? he thought. because it's taeyong. his conscience answered. because taeyong has always been the one.

he finally got up and made up his mind. he was really ready to leave everything behind for taeyong. he looked around trying to find his phone buried on the sheets or under the pillows but his hand found something just by taeyong's pillow. it was a letter.

"don't come find me." it read. inside jaehyun's head, it was all clear. he's leaving again. he thought. but he didn't mind it. whatever comes his way, he'll ignore it. he'll push it away. just to get to taeyong.

he probably hasn't left yet, i was awake at 4. he said inside his head and tried to hurry up wearing his clothes.

when he reached his apartment, not only was taeyong not there, but the rest of the furniture left were covered in white sheets. he really left. his heart cracked for a moment. he couldn't believe his eyes.

he ran out of the room, out of the building going to his car parked up the front. before he could get in, a familiar voice stopped him.

"jaehyun!" he turned around to see his best man. "what are you doing here?" he asked. but he couldn't say he was trying to find taeyong. he would flip out. "i-i was..."

"are you trying to go after taeyong?" johnny added. how did he figure that out now?

"dude, when were you gonna tell me about him?" ahh of course. he's great at finding out about people.

"john, i get it, you figured it out. can you stay out of my way for once? i need to go find him." his voice was already shaking. his nose bridge was hurting trying to contain his tears. but he tried to keep it cooled down because he didn't want to cry in front of johnny.

he opened his car and tried to hop in to leave johnny but he was, again, stopped. "i know where he is." he looked back.

"i'm your best friend, jae. but jungwoo didn't deserve this." i know he doesn't. he thought. "you did him way wrong."

his shut his eyes tight and gripped on the car door too hard. "but as i said, i'm your best friend. i will understand you." johnny stepped a little closer to him. "he's boarding in 20 minutes." airport's not that far. jaehyun thought. i can make it.

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