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"jungwoo, what are you doing here?"

jaehyun hurried as he went to his house. he overslept with taeyong and totally forgot that he needed to meet up with his client the next day. he was rushing, he honked on anything in his way until he made it to his house.

when he got home, he opened the door only to reveal his fiance on the couch. he sat comfortably with his shoulders hanging low along with his head. he seemed to be not in a good mood. and so jaehyun wondered, why is he here?

"honey?" jaehyun started confused. "why are you here?" he asked one more time before he walked towards jungwoo on the couch and sat beside him.

jungwoo completely ignored the question and asked back at him. "where were you? i was waiting for you, you didn't sleep here?"

"yeah, i was hanging out with taeyong then i fell asleep." he said. and then, he remembered what he came home for. "oh crap, i have to get ready. i'm meeting a client." he panicked before getting up. "why are you here again, honey?"

jungwoo pursed his lips down on a thin line then a small smile. "it's nothing, we'll talk later. go get ready." jaehyun gave out a smile before giving a kiss on the forehead. he rushed towards his room and directly went into the bathroom to shower.

jungwoo sighed and followed him to the room. he opened the closet to help him prep for the morning. he took out shirt after shirt, pants after pants until he settled with a plain dress shirt and pants.

he opened the drawer for his underwear and took out a pair of boxer briefs before going to his sock drawer for the final garment.

as soon as he opened the drawer, it wasn't visible at first for a normal person to see, but for jungwoo--he definitely spotted something else far from a pair of socks. from the very corner of the drawer, it looked like it was supposed to be hidden deep but jungwoo still saw it--a lavender lace thong.

whose are these? he thinks. he didn't own something like that, certainly. could it be that jaehyun got them for him? who knows? he thought again.

he held the fabric in one hand and already found a small rip from one side. okay, this is already used. that's for sure. he concluded inside his head. he inspected it more and he swore he could smell something coming from that one fabric alone.

inside jungwoo's head, he thinks it smelt like it hasn't been washed for weeks. this is someone else's. he finally found out. is jaehyun cheating on me?

suddenly, he heard the shower turn off and rustles coming from inside the bathroom. he quickly took the underwear and shoved it in his pockets. jaehyun hurriedly went out only to find his clothes already laid out by his fiance.

"oh, thanks honey." he said with a slight smile before starting to get ready.

jungwoo just watched his every move. he was already busy for this morning, maybe he shouldn't bother anymore and just have the talk when he's off work. he cleared his throat before he spoke, "hey, uh... you look like you're gonna be busy this morning so i'm gonna go. i'll just meet you at lunch?"

"yes, honey. thank you." jungwoo gave a quick kiss before disappearing from the room.

later that day, jungwoo asked for ten and johnny to meet up with him for dinner. sure, third wheeling isn't that much of a problem for him because he understands that jaehyun was being called by his boss. he didn't mind it and just went out to eat.

since he came back from gunpo with his friends, he hasn't spotted taeyong. he wasn't supposed to come back for another two weeks but a huge argument blew up between him and his family that he decided to leave. he paid his respects for his grandfather but he left too soon that his family were shocked.

taeyong still thinks he was going with jaehyun by the end of the week to go see them but maybe jungwoo was going to see him before the week ends.

"excuse me, i have to go to the bathroom." johnny excused himself and stood up walking outside the private room. it's their last course and jungwoo tensed up for a little bit when he was just about to speak to ten.

he doesn't know how to bring it up. he was going to say something but ten has been watching him noticing how stiff he's been. "jungwoo, you've been looking agitated since we started dinner. is there something you wanna tell me?" ten says.

"come on, you can tell me while johnny's not here yet." he added.

jungwoo heaved out a huge sigh and put his fork down and pushed his plate of tiramisu forward. ten figured it'd be something serious and so he stopped as well and waited for jungwoo to speak.

"y--you sent me..." he gulped. "a photo of your costume, right?"

ten creased his forehead confused at his words. "costume?" he asks.

"the one you wore for the bachelor party." jungwoo said. ten then raised his brows remembering what he meant. "oh yeah, you wanna borrow it?"

"no." jungwoo said. "but you kept yours right? you have it at home?"

"yeah. johnny makes me wear it some nights. why do you ask?"

jungwoo's eyes wandered from left to right trying to find the right words to say. "i found a part of the costumes in jaehyun's drawer." he finally said.

ten frowned in much confusion with his head tilting to the side. there couldn't possibly be, jaehyun wouldn't keep something like that. ten thought. "what do you mean? are you sure, honey?"

his confusion was still evident on his face, that was until jungwoo grabbed his bag and rummaged through its items. he pulled out a fabric and suddenly, ten's eyes were as wide as an owl's.

he gasped so loud that jungwoo finally figured this was a serious issue. "oh my god!" the smaller man whispered in shock.

"do you recognize whose is this?" jungwoo asks. "i'm telling you, it reeks of sex. it's been stained in the front and i think it hasn't been washed for weeks." he adds.

as ten heard, some things inside his head started clicking. some things made sense, some things were already getting connected. his hand travelled to his mouth as he figured it all out. "oh shit, that's taeyong's."

jungwoo's heart suddenly shattered. but ten figured it all out. he wasn't sure if anything was confirmed but his assumptions all made sense. he knew taeyong since paris years, his stories were somewhat connected now.

"are you sure?" jungwoo asked trying to find the lie. but no, ten knew it all. "honey, that's taeyong's color in the party. i know it."

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