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taeyong was back in his apartment a day after. he was supposed to stay longer but he didn't want to cause more problems in the house so he took the initiative to leave.

you could say he was avoiding his grandmother. he knows that once he told the truth, he won't be able to handle the wrath of his family. he figured it'd be okay this way--his family not knowing anything. leaving the secret with mark and the victim herself.

he could only wish that his grandmother would not spread out the secret. he had a plan all along, he was just fulfilling it silently so no one would know.

the story behind was rather awful. and it was all because of jaehyun.

"jaehyun, you can't!"

"i can and i will."

just like that, the important piece of paper was torn apart. he didn't even consider how taeyong would feel. he was just willing to do everything for him to stay with him. he became rather possessive and sometimes, the most drastic things happen under his control.

taeyong frowned with the memory. it was a very intense day he remembered. he could feel the same emotions from that day years ago. it was all fresh and it reminded him of that one day vividly.

right now he shopped for chips and alcohol. he planned to just chill in his place and invite mark over. or maybe not, he doesn't know. all he wanted to do was go home and not mind anything else before he goes out of town for jungwoo.

goodness, why do my favorite chips always end up at the top shelves? he asks inside his head frustrated. he stared at the bag of chips at the top and pouted. no one was in the aisle with him and so he just sighed.

"need a hand?" a man said from behind him and suddenly, the bag of chips he was staring at was grabbed and tossed in his cart.

great. he sighed. this guy. "thanks." he just said with a small smile.

"we've been meeting in this grocery store twice now. why are you here? i thought you were supposed to stay at your parents?" he asked.

jaehyun seemed to be in a good mood because he was already eating a bag of popcorn he hasn't even paid for yet and he does that when he's had a happy day. obviously opposite to taeyong.

"nanny showed up. got into an argument." taeyong replied before pushing his cart. jaehyun followed close still munching on caramel corn. "so you're staying here? until you go to jungwoo's?"

"pretty much." taeyong replies before getting a jar of salsa and going straight to the cashier.

"can you include my stuff? i'll pay you after." taeyong looked at the man with a brow raised. jaehyun then sighed and looked at the line for people without carts. "the line's too long and i'm only paying for a bottle of wine, doritos and popcorn." he whined like a child.

taeyong only rolled his eyes as a sign of defeat from his cute face and jaehyun cheered before placing his items on the counter. "so, you wanna hang out or something?" he asked ever so casually.

for a while, he sounded like phoebe in that one friends episode inside taeyong's head but then he looked at him again. was it normal form him and i to hang out at a day like this? taeyong thought inside his head.

"i mean, it's been a while since we last hung out, and there's no one else but us. it's gonna take us a few more days before we see the guys." he shrugged looking at the bill.

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