. f i f t e e n .

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12 months later.

yes, it has been a year. he's been finding him for a year. he had moved out of seoul, started a fresh life in new york and went under the radar of their friends.

he swore on his life he wasn't going to go get help from his father and his connections, but when it came to taeyong he just had to. truth is, taeyong was already under his surveillance. he is now stalking.

he found taeyong back in paris while he was in new york. and for almost a year, he's still planning how to go up to taeyong and drop the bomb that he didn't get married. in his head, he's been thinking of what to say. something like, "hey taeyong. i didn't get married. i still love you." but that's just dumb.

and now he owes his dad just for using his connections for this. but it got him to find taeyong anyways so he wasn't going to complain.

there were flashes all around him as the people surrounding him took photos of each and every design. you might've guessed where he is now. he is in a fashion show. it's not even taeyong's fashion show. it's taeyong's boss's.

he's been finding taeyong all around, even just the staffs but he couldn't. and so he figured he's in the back with the other major staff with the boss himself. he was now gonna wait.

as the fashion show ended, there were wealthy people passing by him as he tried to find the group of staff people where taeyong could possibly be.

"excuse me, do you know where lee taeyong is?" he asked one in uniform and headset. but he was only answered with, "oh sorry, he left before the show ended. he was sick."

great, he was now going to visit him in his home. he didn't wanna go that far but he wanted to get over this.

later that night, he came prepared. oh he came so prepared that anyone else who would receive his gifts wouldn't want to say no. but to taeyong, he wasn't sure if he was going to nail it in one go. taeyong is different from other people. he was hard-to-get. and he doesn't even know jaehyun was there.

walking to taeyong's apartment, jaehyun felt his heart pounding. not only was his heart pounding so hard, his stomach was churning that he felt like shitting his pants on the spot. no one wants to see that unpretty sight.

the gifts were left in his car as he walked alone through the halls. he came prepared but he chose to go casual without anything in his hand. just his presence.

he didn't know where his room was he even had to bribe one of his friends from work and tell a rather convincing story just to get it. now that he was there, he wanted to run. but is feet wasn't moving and his hands seemed to have it's own mind lifting themselves up to knock on his door.

he knocked on the door to finally get it over with. he waited. but no one was answering the door.

there was someone inside because he heard shuffling from the other side of the door. he also knows taeyong is right behind the door because the shadow from the ground told him so.

maybe taeyong figured out he was finally there.

suddenly, there was a letter slipped under the door. he picked it up and opened the folded paper to see. "just stop, jaehyun. it's over."

there. it really was taeyong behind that door. and taeyong really figured out what jaehyun was doing from the start.

the reason taeyong left the show early was because he spotted jaehyun in the crowd. taeyong has also been keeping tabs on jaehyun a few weeks back. he found out jaehyun was finding him and his boss--as a friend, offered to help him keep the guy out of his surroundings.

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