Strife, Fury, War...Death...4 individuals that were once feared by most who dipped their toes into the it God, or be it Satan. That's how dangerous these 4 were. But their time has passed. Despite being strong, they were not immort...
As the sun rose above the city of Kuoh, a particular woman was recalling the events that transpired the day prior. Her headache has not yet ceased. In fact, it seemed even worse than before, but alas... She could be thankful she slept in a proper bed as opposed to the tough and uncomfortable skin of the trees outside.
Indeed, some luck has struck Grace and her partner Absalom, but how long would it last? Considering she already ran into some other supernatural fellow yesterday, not very long probably.
She gazed upon the clock hanging on the wall, indicating 7 and a half in the morning, and then looked around the 5 stars hotel room she was in, letting out a sigh of relief... Relief that she hasn't faded from existence entirely yet.
'Finally awake, are you?', a rough and impatient voice echoed inside her mind, so loud that it made her cover her ears, despite the futility of it.
"Ugh, not so loud!", she shouted out, not caring if there were people outside the room that would hear her. "Tch. So much for a good sleep..."
'Why bother? You're a soul taking physical form only due to my corruption. You don't even have bodily needs!', the Nephilim, Absalom, seemed to regard this period of relaxation as a waste of time. Then again, his race was known to wage wars for months on end with no need for rest. Some habits die hard.
"I don't know. Why do YOU insist on being such a bitch in the morning? Maybe YOU could use some sleep!", she smashed her fist in the near wall, not leaving a dent, thankfully.
The Nephilim didn't respond this time, but Grace would swear she heard her partner mock her words in a childish tone. You wouldn't guess this was THE Absalom, firstborn of the Nephilim. But maybe this is the effect eons of time has on the conscious mind. After all, Death has this playful side to him too.
The woman stood up to stretch slightly and wake up properly. On the night table to the right of the bad, she found some pills and a glass full of water, as well as a note, reading 'This should help with your migraine. When you're ready, come down.'
"What is this?", she questioned.
'The woman from last night, she left this here after you fell asleep.'
You have to admit, having a Nephilim linked to you is quite the surveillance system. You could doze off in the middle of a bank heist and still have a 100% chance of waking up alive with the thieves in pieces. Place your order now.
"Lara Jones was it...? Well, as much as I appreciate it, I don't think those meds will have any effect on me..."
'So NOW you think bodily functions are useless. Marvelous.'
"Quit being so nagging. What are you? A divorced middle-aged mom? Cause I sure as hell don't plan on playing the role of your 'new husband'.", she closed her eyes, diving deep inside her mindscape, only to see a Nephilim at the end of his wits.
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