Chapter 27

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Leon's POV

So...yeah...Death itself died yet stills lives because...loss of purpose following the council's demise?... That's basically the summary of all that the original Horseman told me. I have to admit, I burst out laughing when I heard it...but that raised another question...what about the other 3?

This question lingered in my mind and in the end, it brought me to my brothers, wondering if they already talked with War, Fury, and Strife. According to Death, they shouldn't yet, but anything can happen.

Because of insufficient data, I had to leave the matter at that. Besides, it's not like the world will end if I don't solve the mystery right now.

After an hour of walking back to my house, and yes, I like to walk. Just because I have Despair, it doesn't mean I have to use him all the time. It has the right to rest. Anyway, I was about to enter the house when I sensed different readings of magic...and on top of that, Anna was Inside.

Without any warning, I kicked the door opened and my fist went directly into the wall behind Saji...said boy was paled already.

"What are you doing here?", I questioned ready for another strike, but the answer came from someone unexpected.

"What is all this ruckus?", Asked the blue haired girl from earlier this day, Xenovia.

My patience was even thinner upon seeing her and her partner. Sure, I promised their protection, but my house is already off limits. What was even weirder was the fact that Desmond was in total silence, while the other 2 were avoiding eye contact with me. Seeing how the situation is tensed as it is, I sighed deeply and grabbed a beer to calm down, surprising the rest.

", can someone explain why is everyone in my house and more importantly...Where. Is. Anna?", I asked, my veins being visible on my arm.

"I put her to sleep.", Explained Tsubaki, but that 'put' wasn't really fitting.

"And how exactly did you 'put' her?", I asked once more with suspicion. But the answer was pretty clear...she used magic. While I don't agree with this method, it's better than being exposed. "Let's leave it at, why is everyone else here?"

"Issei, Koneko and Saji contacted the 2 church agents to help them take care of the holy swords and help Kiba...but they disregarded orders.", Explained Jason, still not looking me in the eyes.

Truth be told, I did observe Issei and Saji scratching themselves as if they were punished physically.

"I Gremory is finally showing her true face. ", was all I said, getting a confused look from her. "Don't look so surprised. When we first met, you were saying how you treat your servants as your family, yet here, a member of your family needed help and you prohibited any kind of help... ain't that a contradiction?"

She looked away while said blond knight had wide eyes. "You're not off the hook either Sona. How do you expect Saji to develop if he doesn't take risks?", I looked at her.

"And what exactly did I do wrong?", She asked confused.

"You're in the same position as a dictator from my perspective. Check the history and see how they ended. It's either suicide or assassination by someone close to you. You chose.", I finished my thought.

Silence fell upon the room as Sona seemed to verify what I said. But I had another matter to solve. "Now then, maybe someone can explain why are my brothers avoiding eye contact with me?"

Hearing my words, they tensed, especially Desmond, insinuating that whatever happened was because of him.

"Desmond? What happened?", I asked once again, but I was met with silence, again. This is a very rare sight.

"Well he...", Started Bruce, but stopped midway. I was getting impatient.

"I don't think you should press them.", Advised me Hyoudou. Since when do I get advice from the pervert.

"Hyoudou...I don't remember your last name being 'Creed'. I'm asking my brothers, not you. Keep quiet.", Was my advice for him, before turning again to Desmond.

"Sigh...look, Desmond, whatever happened, you have my word I won't hurt anyone. Now, does it have something to do with Irina lying on the sofa over there, in bandages?", I questioned him, in an unusual caring tone.

He gulped a few times before finally telling me everything. Apparently, he wanted to help Irina with her mission, which is to be expected since they know each other. They ended up encountering Freed and the old 'agent of God' responsible for the Excalibur incident, however, Irina ended up getting hurt which made Desmond lose control, nothing unexpected. On top of that, Bruce and Jason entered the play to prevent Fury pulverizing the city.

Now I can see why they were wary of telling me about this. They know how protective I am when it comes to them, and the little burst of anger could have eradicated the population of the city.

"Pff... Hahaha!", I starting laughing, confusing my brothers, and Irina who just woke up. "That's all? That's what you were worried about? Sigh...tell me Desmond, who am I?", I asked him.

"Huh? Well...the leader of the horsemen.", He answered without a second thought.

"Idiot! Last chance. Desmond Creed, who am I?", I asked once again, and for the last time.

He thought about it a few seconds, before standing up and looking me in the eyes. "You are Leon Creed. You're family."

"And family stands together. Next time you go hunting fallen angels, give me a call.", I finished, surprising the others. "Of course, because of you, I acknowledge Xenovia and Irina as a family as well. I made a promise, and I intend to keep it."

"You... consider us family?", Xenovia questioned with suspicion.

"Do you guys think I'm blind. I can clearly see Desmond is somewhat attached to Irina. The same goes for Bruce and Sona. As for Jason...well... still working on that one.", I explained, making some of them embarrassed.

"You seem... unusually happy. And should I consider your words as a promise of protection?", Sona pointed out.

"Well, let's say I met someone recently, as for the second half, well, if you'll need it, though I doubt that. Now then, why has everyone gathered in this place?", I pointed out the problem.

"About seems that Kokabiel is the one coordinating the whole operation.", Tsubaki explained.


"Well...I guess it's time for the hunt to begin..."

To be continued...

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