Chapter 4

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Bruce's POV

      Without waiting for the fallen angel to throw a light spear at Issei, I dashed towards her and roundhouse kicked her, sending her flying a few meters back. Issei obviously was speechless but managed to get some words out.

Issei:"W-What was that?"

Bruce:"I don't know... but I don't think you want to find out.", I pretended since I knew full well what was going on.

    Then, the girl got up.

Yuuma:" dare you, filthy human area-"

    She was silenced with a direct punch in the face. I don't normally hit a girl twice, but nobody calls me filthy.

Bruce:"Shut it! ", I yelled, delivering her another kick in the gut.

    While I was fighting, Issei was looking at us, half in awe and a half in horror, but it was my mistake to pay attention to him, cause I received a heavy blow to the chest, pushing me back quite a lot. What was that about not revealing weapons, Leon? Certainly making my life harder least more inconvenient. This damned low profile I gotta keep.

    It was clear as day that the girl had enough, this time she summoned 2 light spears and threw them at us. I dodged mine, but I wouldn't be fast enough to get to Hyoudou in time. UGH! Fuck it, to hell with pleasantries!

Yuuma:"Not so daring now, are we?!", she sneered, but taking a step closer was her mistake, as an earth spike protruded from underneath her foot and stabbed her.

At the same time, similar spikes shielded Hyoudou from the other spear.

Bruce:"Suck on that bitch!"

Issei:"Bruce! What is going on!?", his confusion was obvious, but there were more important things than explaining shit to him. 

Bruce:"You stay quiet and out of the way. I've got someone to make suffer.", been a while since I fought up close with someone. 

     After encasing Issei in Spikes from all direction to avoid stray projectiles getting to him, I rushed the fallen angels in question, hovering in the air after I made her leg unusable anymore. She threw a couple more of those light spears my way. Most of them missed me, but one in particular I kicked it from underneath to flip it's direction and then once more to send it back to her. Truth be told, she certainly could move more efficiently in the air than I can on the ground, and my spikes can't extend into the air indefinitely, so we're really about to hit a deadlock. If I was alone, that is.

Bruce:"Heads up, girl!"

Yuuma:"You think that'll wo-AGHHHGH!", her vocal cords let out a shriek of pain, as an out of nowhere bolt of white lightning went through her back, making her topple to the ground.

Bruce:"Nice assist, Jason!", but my older brother was too preoccupied with something, or rather someone else. A pointed finger from him brought mine and Rias' line of sight together. "Ah, fuck me..."

Leon:"Fuck you indeed, Bruce.", he ran his fingers through his hair, nodding to himself the lack of casualties. "Gremory. I know you have questions, much like Hyoudou, but whetever you go take Bruce with you."


Rias:"...and you?", she questioned, already accepting she'd have explanations to give on her part.

Leon:"Me and Jason got a little discussion to have with this angel here. Desmond will join you shortly, I assure you."

The ball certainly started rolling now...

3rd POV

      With the brief exchange of words, Bruce and Issei were transported to the academy, and he sure enjoyed the confused expressions of the rest of the ORC. Issei on the other hand was mostly shocked and appalled at the recent news. First, that his first girlfriend tried to murder him, and then...

Issei:"Who and What was she?! What and WHO are you?!", he asked of the blond, who for once had a very serious expression on his face.

Rias:"Sigh, very good start indeed...I believe you have something to tell us."

Bruce:"Really? I think you're the one who has to do some explanations first. The boy gotta hear both sides of the argument,"

Hyoudou was pacing back and forth between Rias and Bruce, barely calming down once Akeno appeased to his more perverted side, managing to make him sit down at least. Can't blame the guy that much, right? Dying isn't exactly a pleasant thing.

???:"It's exactly as she said.", Another voice commanded

    In the room, entered Sona with her Queen, Tsubaki.

Bruce:"I don't know what you're talking about."

Sona:"It's no use playing dumb. The way you acted a while ago, after your outburst, and from what I heard of the abilities you put on display, you can't feint ignorance anymore, can you?"

     All the eyes were on him, waiting for a response. Even Bruce was aware it was impossible to keep the secret anymore...

???:"Guess the cat is out of the bag, right brother?"

    At the door, there was standing Desmond with a smirk on his face. Overly relaxed, and his twin took notice of it.

Akeno:"Ara now there's 2 of you, are you ready to tell us?"

Desmond:"I ain't telling you anything."

Bruce:"Then you can only be here for other reason, am I right?"

Desmond:"Good. I don't need to spell it out for you. Saves me the troubles."

Bruce:"What are you being passive aggressive for? I haven't done anything wrong."

Desmond:"Morally? No. But you know damn well this isn't what we agreed on, right?!"

Bruce:"It was bound to happen at one point or another, Desmond. It's not like they're the first to know we're not normal. They figured out we each may have an elemental ability, big fucking deal.", he winked towards his twin, to convey just how little information was actually unearthed about them.


Sona:"This is getting ridiculous. Just tell us who are you?"

    Desmond only took a few steps to close the distance between them, before replying, bowing slightly to meet her eye level.

Desmond:"Like I said, I ain't telling you anything, until everyone is here... Sitri...", He purposely used her true surname, and got to see for once Sona's angry face...

To be continued...

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