Desmond's POV
This day was a handful. First we get new teachers with the unexpected Azazel as well. Then Leon has to deal with the Phenex household all over again. Just... Great. Thankfully, it wasn't Bruce who went there or the idiot wouldn't be alive anymore.
Irina:"You seem lost in thoughts. Is everything okay?"
Desmond:"Huh? Oh, yeah."
Eyes on the road, Desmond. You don't want to drive into a tree. Oh yeah! Almost forgot, but it's up to me to take Irina, Uriel and Kalawarner to the hotel. Also, who knew angels can drive cars...
Personally, I'm not a fan of cars. Besides, I have Rampage to help me. Naturally, Irina is riding with me. It's...nice. I mean, after what happened recently, including our parents learning the truth, I was kinda paranoid. You never know how your father might react when he finds out you can master up the power to kill Gods.
I bet you're wondering what do I think about these 3 living close to us. Well, when it comes to Irina... I'm drinking in Leon's honor tonight. Hehe...poor Jason. As for the other 2, I'm not sure. I know that Kalawarner used to be an enemy, but she doesn't seem to harbor any ill intent. Uriel might dislike the fact that she has to put up with this city. I mean, she can manage the job of a teacher, but I don't think she can handle the males of Kuoh. Sick bastards.
Uriel:"Is that it?", she questioned pointing to the hotel in front of us.
I directed them towards the parking lot. A lot of cars here, again. Must be a busy day.
Desmond:"Eyes ahead. No looking at people around us."
Desmond :"Not everyone you'll meet will be to your liking. I'd like to avoid needless conflicts."
Uriel :"I'm SO glad it's you who took us here."
Irina:"Not to be rude, but -"
Uriel:"You're the most reasonable out of all 4."
Desmond :"How so?"
Uriel:"You don't really pick fights with people. If anything, you're more keen on talking about the problem that diving right in."
Desmond :"That just goes to show you don't understand my brothers one bit."
Irina:"I think we do. I mean, I've never seen you act as impulsive as Leon or Bruce. And Jason seems to not care most of the time."
Desmond :"Again, you have the wrong idea. You think I'm reasonable for not being agressive or indiferent. On the contrary, I'm acting this way BECAUSE I'm the most unreasonable."
Kalawarner:"You're not making any sense."
Desmond :"To you, maybe. Sigh... Look. This is something that remains between me and the others. Let's just leave it at that."
With that I pushed the doors open as the multitude of people came into my view.
Aina:"Desmond, welcome. I suppose these 3 are the guests?"
Desmond :"Yes. Leon arranged a room, I belive."
Aina:"Yes. Ladies, my associates will show you the way. Make yourself comfortable."

The 4 Horsemen of Highschool // Highschool DxD x Darksiders
FanfictionStrife, Fury, War...Death...4 individuals that were once feared by most who dipped their toes into the it God, or be it Satan. That's how dangerous these 4 were. But their time has passed. Despite being strong, they were not immort...